There's something light & heavy simple & steady I crave I feel it in my bones When it overcomes me like a wave I'm shaking off these heavy stones
Carefully placing them on the shore of the seas of my own mind Hands sore from carrying them here from where I find them just like they are supposed to be right here and they might be the most lovely signs of a lack of fear
I believe I've quite the courage Though this ocean speaks of retrieve waves looking like familiars, not sure which
Feeling like one of the last unicorns being forced into stormy waters by an angry red bull and it's sharpened horns a tide that speaks of forgotten daughters
Lost their hope of escaping but in this hidden place I found a chance for reshaping standing tall in the face of my crimson enemy holding me in a sea of longing winds whispering of a remedy I cast myself in a place of belonging
And take these shores with it's many stones I'll come without anger or remorse to feel it in my bones