The heart in question Is strong and mighty Loud and needy. It will demand a life Of ever changing scenery While crying for serenity Inside another's soul.
This travelers heart Will carry you to places You never knew you craved. She will sing you songs You've never heard before And every string inside your Being will rejoice in the music made.
She will create melodies From the flowers blooming As the sun dances just for them. Melodies of which will Somehow transform the world Into the most soul changing Symphony any creature has ever heard.
She will never feel satisfied With three, eight, or nineteen Countries imprinted into her blood. She will turn you into an Addict always looking for Your next fix full of exploration; Foreign languages playing in your ear.
She will make you feel So full of love as long as you Provide her with tastes of foreign life. She will make you feel lost Inside a never ending cavern Filled with faded heart lights If you ever wish to stay still.
For trade: A travelers heart Wanted: A heart made for home.