Locked in the wintertime of life Transgression's grip as cold as ice A dark'ning garden filled with strife There planted every form of vice A thorny bush, of bitter hues I was a bramble so depraved I wanted naught but to eschew
My life and press on to my grave My life and press on to my grave
I had no willingness to live My body bloodied, crushed and sore No circumspection did I give The full weight of sin I bore And like a tyrant my disease My drug addicted frame of mind Like a briar wrapped and seized
My heartbreak in a fatal bind My heartbreak in a fatal bind
Then like the warming light of spring You came my precious ray of hope O'r my bramble bush You'd sing A bud came up to reach & ***** Warmer, warmer was the sun Birds sang with You in the air It was then I had begun
To leave behind my sin's despair To leave behind my sin's despair
The tender bud it thrived and grew Through deepest drought and bitter rain And a bright bloom of awesome hue Burst forth in glory that remains That beauty is of Jesus Christ It is to HIM all glory goes He was the One who took my vice
Now looking down God sees a Rose Now looking down God sees a Rose