Wandering alone on a dark street Not knowing where I am My phone ran out of battery Now I can't even use "Maps" It's too dark to see The signs on the houses Copenhagen in a nutshell I'm not surprised...
A stranger walks over towards me With his eyes fastened on me In my head panic rises A thought screaming ******!, ******! **** paranoia! Calmly he asks me Do you know where I am? He was just a lost boy like I...
We discover That we both are looking For the same building So we walk together While we keep talking Just like me This guy doesn't know Copenhagen that well But we found the college And said our farvel...
It's funny how two heads Can be better than one Since none of us Would have found the college On our own But two heads only works As long as it isn't about feelings Because then everything Becomes a mess...
Since there's no one Who always Will be feeling the same As you And there's no safty That you and he Will make peace After having argued But that is how Life's supposed to be...
So this stranger and I Only managed to function As a team Since we were working On an assignment Two lost boys Looking for the college And then we both know That we won't meet again...