Hallow thou art, mine sacrosanct wayfarer; Sacred heart, raiment Of January's start, Thou art the Beginning Of spring And summer's sunshined arise in full-bloomed mesmerize. The firth of thee, circulates inside of me. O' Asian delicacy- thou art that righteous tree of Life. For thine way's art insight's, ******* to the human thought, for thine countenance canst not be store bought. O' thy intelligence canst not be door taught. Destined Jane, O' foreordained, I knewest thee, thou knewest me, in bygone land's.
wayfarer is a traveler, especially one on foot. sacrosanct means holy. Firth is-mouth of a river. Raiment is ones clothing. Bygone means- belonging to an earlier time. Countenance is ones face or ****** expressions and features. Hallow means- to make someone or something holy. Or something holy. Hallowed means past tense