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Jul 2015 · 1.1k
Damaged Thoughts
Damnation to this drink
Shattered glass on the wall
Dulled senses no longer think
But I still hear her voice call

It echoes deep inside my head
And reality hits much too strong
When I know she is long dead
I want her, is that so wrong?

Damaged thoughts are to blame
Someone new in darkest lust
Using this woman in a game
Where I strip her of her trust

Do I use her all because of you?
Because she is your exact double
Oh this woe, what should I do?
Is this worth all this ****** trouble?

She sees beyond my deep scars
As you, beloved, once did
Still this bitterness still mars
All this madness I once hid

Can I escape my coming destiny?
Can the visions reflected be true?
To no longer feel pain and misery
How can this be if I am without you?
Copyright 2015
Jun 2015 · 9.1k
You Don't Know Me
Hello, don't hang up
I know you don't know me
But I believe I know you
I know your dreams
I know your desires
Of the darkest seduction
From a strangers voice
Of how I would use you
But strict with kindness
Punish you with lusts
Lusts yet unknown to you
Lusts to ravish your body
To please you in many ways
All the ways you dream of
Would you dare to know me?
Would you dare return my call?
Don't be afraid of the dark
All you need do is step inside
All you need do is use the phone
Dial my number, I dare you
Copyright 2014
Jun 2015 · 2.1k
Handcuffs And Blindfolds
Never do you see my face
Secured from movement
Just feel my fingers touch
Tracing over your body
Then my kisses on skin

Just a brief moment away
Before ice cubes tease you
In places never before touched
Begging me to ravish you
But you know you're at my mercy

Feeling the handcuffs opened
You're free to reach out
But I whisper for you to wait
And when your eyes are free
They search for me, I am gone
Copyright 2015
Jun 2015 · 892
Drowning In A Million Seas
I saw your liquid thoughts
The wicked lesson taught
As your cruel mind plays
Inside with wicked ways
As you ignored my pleas
Drowning in a million seas

I listened to your cold voice
Hearing I had no other choice
And I fell from a higher place
Burnt with the memory of your face
As you ignored my pleas
Drowning in a million seas
May 2015 · 1.5k
See beyond the pain
Look past the scars
Reach into darkness
With a guiding light

Help me forget torment
Heal me from my suffering
Come touch my heart
Repair the shattered pieces

Comfort me through nightmares
Show me if love still exists
Lead me away from Hell
So this phantom may live again
May 2015 · 944
Cry For Me
Cry the untold tears
Bought by unsold fears
By a lonely grave
Where only a slave
Sheds rivers for a poet
****** tears flow it
Down to a sea of voices
Full of forbidden choices
But why it could be
When nobody cries for me
Mar 2015 · 6.4k
My Angel
My angel,
Do not fly so close to me
For I,
Would clip your wonderful wings
Keep you my prisoner
Locked away in a cage
So I could gaze on naked beauty
Your innocence,
Mine to corrupt,
To use as my will
Burning you with pleasure
But your beauty always shines
My darkness is blinded
Still I take,
Refusing you the key
My angel,
I am a demon
Copyright 2015
Mar 2015 · 1.5k
I Walk Alone
I walk alone
Through dark streets
Playing night games
Behind closed doors

Along vacant roads
With toxic memories
Of forgotten journeys
From deceased days

Love long deserted
A heart destroyed
From nightmarish times
Never faded oblivion

Never seeing me
Just another shadow
Forgotten and unknown
I walk alone
Copyright 2015
Feb 2015 · 909
You Are My Tattoo
You are my tattoo
Etched into my skin
Marking me forever
My beautiful reminder

You are my pain
I will bleed for you
As I help you heal
Admiring who you are

You are always mine
I want to have you
A need to wear you
Be my tattoo
Jan 2015 · 3.1k
Quote 2
Let me taste your essence as I penetrate your mortal soul, kiss your pain in pleasured torment.
Jan 2015 · 3.3k
Last Night
Last night you were in my dreams
Gave passion with your screams
your body, a desired, wanted treasure
I took it hard, for my own pleasure
Lusting in a fever, loving so rough
You were begging but it wasn't enough
from the bed, down onto the hard floor
My need for you grew, I wanted more
Our desire, continued in the shower
As I used you in every way, every hour
But our wanting would not break
When alas, in a sweat, I did awake
Jan 2015 · 684
Gripping onto my life
Like razor blades across finger tips
Which bleed onto blank paper
The pain whips hard, frenzied

So, once gain, the bottle beckons
Swallowing the rawness of whiskey
Harshly burning my throat
Looking for drunkard, obscure haze

Cursing the scars on this bitter face
A wasted and worthless life
Surrounded by unwanted wealth
What is money but another curse?

The darkening rage suddenly takes me
An anger like some twisted hurricane
My name, blistered on these lips
I am, forever ******, Byron Lorde
Copyright 2015
Dec 2014 · 2.3k
Love is to ravish rose thorns and bleed in the pain of beauty
Dec 2014 · 785
Cracked Kisses
Cracked kisses
On blistered lips
Inferno desires

Scorched love
Flames of lust
Funeral pyres

Swollen dreams
Inside ignited minds
Nightmares burn
Nov 2014 · 1.3k
There Is No Echo
There is no echo
In the realms of hell
There is no soul
Hidden in an empty shell

There is no hope
For those seen unworthy
There is no scope
When you are unearthly

There are no dreams
When the nightmares call
There are no screams
Whenever you will fall

There is no echo
In the realms of hell
There is only the show
And no one to tell
Nov 2014 · 1.1k
You can walk through
The long bladed grass
Watching the wild rose
To find your pleasure

You can climb over
The still distant gate
On the safe side
To find your pleasure

But I'll walk through
The ****** rose thorns
Through the barbed wire
To find my pleasure
Nov 2014 · 2.2k
Serenity In Motion
See the dancers gyrating
Sliding over the pole
Lustful men leering
Eager to hunger, watching

Private dance for the few
Parting with crumbled money
Sweating in craving desires
For what they can never touch

But I silently see the movement
Of an ****** motion of beauty
I see the eyes of unknown passion
Something that can not be mine

Even through my scars of ruination
They ****** for printed paper
Money is no longer a commodity
Only to witness serenity in motion
Copyright 2014
Nov 2014 · 917
Trials Of The Soul
Trials of the soul
Begin from birth
If named after a poet
Does it make you that?

Death may claim love
But true love never dies
Memories stay forever
Explanations can be lost

Words run through a head
Full of complicated release
Screaming out of my mind
Dancing in poetic form

I see beauty unfounded
Rediscovered in mine eyes
Still I walk in darkness
Trials of the soul
Copyright 2014
Nov 2014 · 1.4k
Forbidden Need
In my dreams I sweat
For our destiny is set
Of you, thoughts are fed
Let this lust find words said

I feel alive because of you
Forgetting pain I went through
Let our worlds clash, collide
Come, submit to my dark side

To you, my ways may seem strange
But this man can never change
Quench this burning desire
Be with me and ignite this fire

Tonight will belong with a cost
Fury of something once lost
Give in, be my blinding light
For we now belong to the night
Nov 2014 · 673
Oh, Broken Tears
Oh, broken tears
Sear my scarred face
Like salt in wounds
Rubbing in the pain

How I have forgotten
The beauty that shone
Brightly from your eyes
But now I do not see you

Oh, sweetest memories
Are like haunting nightmares
Forever tormenting this man
Of something that can never be

Only this patch of ground
In a empty grave yard
Keeps you from my grasp
I weep only broken tears
Mar 2014 · 549
Two Minds
Alas, I am two poets,
Trapped inside one mind.
Living separate lives, entwined;
Mirrored souls of each other.

Created out of insecurity,
Places the darkened times lay.
Released but I was never free,
Never meant to see existence.

In confusion, I hurt maidens fair,
Broke their hearts and took their souls.
But I knew who I really could be,
I was a shattered facade of crystal.

Suicide soon beckoned me, so near,
My mind collided and I escaped.
Once again I feel into darkness,
Lost in the depths of imagination.

My story is still to be told, released,
For a phantom still dwells inside.
When least he thought me long gone,
Will be the time for me to return, once more.
Oct 2011 · 615
The mind is hidden,
Where shadows remain.
Blood is spilled,
Leaving a dark stain.

For the heart,
It can sometimes die.
And tears will fall,
That will never dry.

I am ******,
With both future and past.
To be never forgiven,
For the things I have cast.
Feb 2011 · 1.0k
What Do You look Like
I am here, and I wonder
My mind begins to wander
I am somewhere else, with you
Forgotting the things I went through

Your words, they always touch me
Thoughts of you set me free
If only I could envision your face
To have your beauty I could trace

Take me away from all this sadness
Rid me of my inner most stress
I feel emotions that are ready to strike
Here I am, I wonder what do you look like
Byrons poem to Holly (his secret tribute for her).

From the Beautiful Words story.
Feb 2011 · 1.3k
Forgive Me
I tried to reach you
I failed to do that
So I lost you, my love
Now this man is lost

All I have are memories
I fear they are nightmares
As I relive that moment
Over and over again

I should be the one
Under the earth, not you
You should have been saved
I should have died instead

Forgive me, Megan, please
I wish I could hold you
Still tell you how much I need you
But all I have left are these tears
From the story of Byron and Holly
Jan 2011 · 2.1k
Forgive me, for I am condemned.
My love I see you every night,
But the flames keep me away.

I try to reach out, to save you;
The heat is too intense, it defeats me.
I can not see you through searing pain.

Your screams tear me apart, I am beaten back.
Then there is silence and I hear you no more,
Tears fall, the agony as they trace my burnt flesh.

Oh Megan, I miss you more than life itself;
You were my life, my soul, my reason to be.
Why were you taken from me, love, pray tell me?

You now haunt my nightmares, I still hear you.
Your screams split apart my sanity, and the mirror;
It forever reminds me of this scar that Hell gave me.

Now I only have the darkness inside, and shown in words.
These very words I write, as if I am to be forever cursed,
Cursed to need to remember your face, with this dead heart.
based on Byron Lorde (Phantom)
Jan 2011 · 715
She Is Gone
She is gone;

Faded from my life,
But still haunting my dreams.

If only time would turn back,
That those clocks could rewind

But alas, she is gone;

And my tears still remain.
copyright Chris Smith 2011, based on the story featuring Byron (Phantom)
Jan 2011 · 872
My Torment
If you knew my story
Of the things I have to tell
Then your soul would hurt
And suffer the untold torture
To feel the suffering deep inside

Everyday becomes one of the same
Like a crack'd mirror showing scars
A reflection that I can never bear
That is a witness, nay it is a warning
Of the man I once was so long ago

I have been stripped down to raw bones
Bleeding inside, a gaping hole is left
From whence my heart used to beat
Alas, I fear it leaves me feeling so cold
Even though I still feel the fires of Hell
Phantom 2011 (alias Chris Smith....Beautiful Words)
Jan 2011 · 1.2k
Standing In the Dark
Standing in the dark
Living with my void
Afraid of the mirror
Of all it destroyed

Crying in my shadows
Stinging tears of pain
Flowing down my face
Time and time once again

Trying hard to understand
The bleakness of my day
Uncertain of why this life
Decided they had to take her away
From the story Beautiful Words by Chris Smith

— The End —