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Peyton Smith Jan 2015
A bad relationship is a lot like burning your tongue.
Food is delicious, and it's best when it's hot, of course.
You dive on in and devour it.
It only hurts a little bit, and it stills tastes good.
The next morning, with a blistered tongue, you just ask yourself;
"Ouch....was it really worth it?"
Peyton Smith Dec 2014
She wasn't pretty.
She wasn't hot.
She wasn't ****.
She wasn't cute.
She was beautiful.
She was breathtaking in a way only comparable to
A beautiful, unique snowflake.
Or the way the ice freezes in beautiful patterns on a bus window.
She was stunningly, gorgeously, heart-stopping-ly ******* beautiful,
And I loved that girl.
Peyton Smith Nov 2014
High school was supposed to be about spin the bottle,
Not getting the spins.

Cutting ties with old friends became cutting yourself.

Skipping class became skipping breakfast...and then lunch...and then dinner.

Pep rallies should've been called Pill Rallies, because that's all I ever saw.

Unexcused absence is called an U.A. Enough U.A's and you have to watch some P.S.A's. P.S.A's lead to T.H.C. T.H.C. leads to L.S.D. L.S.D -> O.U.I.

O.U.I. C.P.R. D.O.A...


Growing up on movies and shows depicting high school as a safe, secure, friendly establishment of education had established the foundation and tarnished it's reputation.

The final stretch, as graduation nears, I need to face graduating fears, but i'm gradually building up tears;

I don't wanna leave. I don't want to face the hellish world without the kids I grew up with, the kids I ****** up with.

But I can't stay here. I can't face the hellish school with those ******* I grew up around, the ones who ****** me up now.

When asked about my future, I respond in true high school fashion;

"***, idk, lol"
Rambling about how i've felt
  May 2014 Peyton Smith
Abigail Madsen
Land of the free
Home of the brave
but don’t forget the clinically insane
because they’re here too
Making different people black and blue
especially the ones of a different race
What is freedom if it comes with a price
the price of too many lives
lives cut short by the bitter bite of a bullet
piercing through years
resulting in more fears
causing more tears
tears of families
and friends
watching their loved ones life come to an end
thats not even the worst
no justice is being served
to those who got the last word
words shooting from a gun
words denied in court
inequity for those whose lives were cut short
people like Renisha McBride
feel like they now have to hide
from people like Theodore Wafer
who refused to be safer
lack of understanding that Renisha was hurt
and she wanted help
but you ended her life with a yelp
as she knocked on your door
she had no idea she wouldn’t live anymore
gun to her face
you sent a message out to her race
that she went to seek help in the wrong place
telling those like her they don’t belong
in the human race
sadly is isn’t the only case
Jordan Davis
who was not even on a first name basis
Michael Dunn
shot nine times
even though he had committed any crimes
Trayvon Martin
whose life ended
at the end of a gun
in the hands of the one
who took the “law” onto himself
obvious patterns show
this was no accident
he was
and he got his gun back
information was not told
Zimmerman got refitted
and Martin shot dead
because something was off in someone else’s head
sent to his dead bed
the truth never said
Zimmerman fled
and how are those like him
suppose to move ahead
guns hiding in every direction
ailing like an infections
running from their own reflection
and I have an objection
because this is not the act of natural selection
and it’s sad people of different color still need specialized
because apparently
pulling out a wallet
justifies being shot
41 times
but it does for the NYPD officers
and for a South American immigrant
Amadou Diallo (Jallo)
only 23
died callow
shot by four men
so shallow
4 guns
19 hits
41 shots
How can this country preach
that we not only have freedom
but freedom of speech
but as soon as Bruce opened his mouth
and let the truth come out
and talked about
the truth behind
41 shots
he was “un-American”
he was a “flying ***”
it’s sad
we treat other human beings
as animals
and we claim to be equal
but there are people here who are still evil
and law officers who are deceitful
and last I checked ******
is illegal
and you are allowing upheaval
A mother should not be afraid to sent her son
out to get groceries in fear
that he may never come back
So don’t tell me
is equal
Peyton Smith May 2013
I went from a top ten student with A's all around
To a barely B-  GPA.
I go to school with sadness and a frown
Every single Gold Day.
I hate the fact that I took your class,
A mistake I'll never forget.
It's college prep sophomore biology,  
Not your ******* dictatorship.
Peyton Smith Apr 2013
Where can you even summon the audacity
To tell me that lately you have been mad at me
For building up a little bit of self worth in my head
Am I wrong for no longer wishing I was dead?
"I miss the way you used to act,  
So nice, I want the old you back"
The old me? That self hating *******?
Who only was happy on his ***, ****** or plastered?
You don't know what it's like, you **** fool
You've never been afraid of the judgement at school
You've never been called ******, ******, or four eyes
You've never thought of a compliment as more lies
You have no idea how the **** I felt
I beat myself, left bruises, welts
It was middle school, when I found out new ways
Of popping pills in class to get through the days
Well I guess now, sure, i'm popular enough
But I still have that sickening feeling in my guts
The reminder, I was that fat kid that everyone bullied,
Don't ever judge me, you don't ******* know me.
Peyton Smith Apr 2013
How **** rough can society get?
I know a beautiful girl who takes a blade to her wrist,
She’s 105 pounds, and thinks her stomach is fat,
Exactly what can make her think that?
Hunger pains linger every time she goes to sleep,
Because at night, bulimia is telling her “don’t eat!”
But that’s fine, right? I mean, models do it too,
And everybody wants to look like they do, true?
I don’t think so, trying to explain it is useless,
This fella thinks model behavior is hella stupid,
It really bothers me that people listen to the media,
People, need to stop eating what they’re feeding ya’,
You don’t need your ribs sticking out to be attractive,
And preteen girls don’t need to be sexually active,
I’m so done, sitting here, hoping we can turn the page,
Call me John Mayer,  because I’m waiting on the world to change.
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