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Peyton Smith Mar 2013
I live for nights like this,
When nothing matters
Except the rain that parades the ancient metal roof,
Like nature's metronome, and it's begging.
It's begging me to bring out my mildly neglected Gibson
And unroot a pick from atop my dresser.
My fingers can taste rust on the strings,
And I like it.
I live for nights like this,
When I sit in my room and play lofty minor chords
To my audience of no one.
I love the scratchy pain in my throat
After I sing for hours about absolutely nothing.
The stereotypical teenage guitar player,
Not doing their homework, not doing anything
Besides putting their heart into 16 bars.
I live for nights like this.
Peyton Smith Mar 2013
Sometimes, I really cannot comprehend
Why english teachers require, again and again,
Their students to look for these deep hidden meaning,
"The sun was yellow." "The author meant it was gleaming,
Like the life of spot the dog, bright and happy,"
Save your teaching Miss, it's ******.
I know it's a difficult concept...well, no.
The color of the sun is just ******* yellow.
I'm in english class and realized I haven't posted a poem in a while, excuse the awfulness
Peyton Smith Feb 2013
Flowers rise in May of each year,
The colors so vibrant and new,
Exquisite ways to say Spring is here,
But none of the flowers are as pretty as you.
A dear person requested I write about flowers.
Peyton Smith Feb 2013
She wishes for different colored eyes,
"Blue's just overrated"
She wishes for thinner thighs,
Her legs leave her aggravated,

"My stomach is so gigantic"
She says while halfway frowning,
"My ****'s just too titanic"
In low self esteem she's drowning,

Compliments a'plenty,
I try to prove her wrong,
I love her more than any-
thing, that's why I wrote this song,

I say you're beautiful,
Everyday I make sure to,
But your mirror and your mind,
They're playing tricks on you,

You're so **** perfect,
Yet you live life without
Thinking you're worth it,
I admit, it freaks me out

When your insecurities,
Keep bad thoughts afloat,
But the cure to me,
Might be in this song I wrote

I say it's gonna be okay,
Everyday I make sure to,
But your mirror and your mind
Are playing tricks on you.
Peyton Smith Feb 2013
My head moves up and down with your chest,
Every breathe you take, eases me to rest,
You comfort me, when nothing else in the world could,
You treat me in a way I thought no one ever would,
I can ***** something up 99 times in a row,
But you’ll be there for try 100, that I always know.
Peyton Smith Jan 2013
Lately I’ve been having thoughts that left me long ago,
A once forgotten process, is back and ready to go, you know,
I hate my lack of happiness, I feel conflicted,
My self pity makes me sick, I call it sick addiction,
What exactly gives me the right to say I’m sad?
When so many people have never had it as good as I have,
I mean, I’m not mad, But i’m not glad, I’m basically existing,
Caught up in the middle, insisting I need assisting,
And wishing I wasn’t missing, the secret key to joy,
I’m the 6’3 frame of a man, but inside, i’m just a boy,
Peyton Smith Jan 2013
At Sandy Hook,
A man, he took,
A loaded gun into a building of little kids,
And showed a whole country what tragedy really is,
28 families with an emptiness inside,
A gunman, reckless, never tempted to hide,
Christmas stockings, they hang unfilled,
For the children who at the hands of that man, were killed,
Now, I don't think the answer is to ban
Assault weapons, when they weren't even used by the man,
But what's the plan? Take all the guns away?
Hypocritical government has got nothing to say.
I'm sure politicians with their wicked twisted ways
Do not mind the guns that protect them everyday.
Or the soldiers overseas protecting freedom with an M16,
So what's it mean? I guess one summary to me,
Gun laws aren't the problem, the issue is bigger,
It's not the Guns who ****, it's the one's who pull the trigger..
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