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 Apr 2015 Penelopejayde
A Watoot
She once said,
"I'm made of steel."
"I never get tired."
"I never cry."

But she did.
She got hurt, bent, and burned.

She stood up
Once again
This time, with a smile.

Because to tell you the truth
I'm made of diamond.
 Apr 2015 Penelopejayde
Kiss* me
            * Hold* me
                     Love me
                          Control me
     Grab me  
            Tease me
                Strip me
                    Please me
Can we lay here for a while,
go real deep
I mean into the soul,
see where that leads
Any female can get you hard,
make you *** and what not
But can she undress your mind,
entertain your thoughts
It’s easy to love beauty,
and easy to love money
But in the end we'll have neither,
isn’t that funny
So be sure it’s worth your while,
you know, what’s inside n stuff
If it’s as good as the ***,
That’s more than enough
they say shes waiting for me
they say that shes there
with loves tender embrace
with loves intimate kiss
softly waiting for the mad rush of my day to end
waiting for me to come home to her arms
but for now i'm just a tinker
down by the ***** river
lost in the back roads and shadows
dragging behind a fat sack of yesterdays
building better dreams for all the pretty people
filled with longings and desires
but ill make it home to her someday
where she lay in the peaceful moonlight
where she waits for me beautifully
filled with such tender desire
with loves intimate kiss
ill be there in her arms
home at long last
never to leave again
she is all iv dreamt of
she is waiting....

— The End —