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 Feb 2016 jndv
 Feb 2016 jndv
why do i try so hard for someone
who will never care?  because
if you haven't noticed by now,
i am completely in love with you
yet, you don't even spare me a
passing glance
 Dec 2015 jndv
 Dec 2015 jndv
Maybe I'm Just
A Little Afraid
That Whenever
Someone Gets
A Little Closer
To Me,
They Always Have
To Leave Me
And Find Someone
 Nov 2015 jndv
Richard j Heby
reality does not exist
in the mirror
 Oct 2015 jndv
Mary Alexander
This is my goodbye, I guess.
How did I get here.
Maybe all of the stress?

Or maybe all the pain
That just won't go away.
The losses with few gains
While no one would stay.

But maybe I'm wrong
Because some people stayed,
But they'll leave before long.
im just not worth the wait.

They say some people change.
And are gone and never seen.
Just not in the same way.
This, I thought was mean.

But now I realize it's true.
And this is my goodbye.
Because my soul is simply through.
Not strong enough to fly.

— The End —