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 Aug 2015 Otherly One
Isn’t physically quick or agile.

Disappears in libraries.

Has been known to dissolve into the physical pages of books.

Is good at tucking herself into the stacks and retreating to reading nooks.

Blends in at coffee shops where her voice can be drowned out by the grinding and the steaming.

Can become indistinguishable in the dark of theatres, in the quiet shuffle of art galleries, the finger-snapping of poetry readings, the hum and jostle of the Tube.

Is indistinct. Adept at hiding in plain sight.
 Jul 2015 Otherly One
My words are scattered artifacts of
what used to be and
what never will.
i have been there.
i have seen what lies on the other side
of this pain you feel,
and i know it may not seem
like it will ever end,
like it will ever heal,
and part of you really wants it to be gone,
and another part wants to hold onto it,
caught between agony and ecstasy,
and in the end -
you're just not certain what will happen
or where it will end up.
you want to know,
but you're afraid of the answer.
yes, i have been there, too,
and i have learned only one thing:
it is survivable,
and when you come out the other side,
you will be stronger than you ever imagined.
not sure what motivated this today, but It just feels like there is someone out there who needs to hear it.
 Jul 2015 Otherly One
Through my storms I strive to hold fast
Stable my ship from keel to mast
Under ferocious skies and pummeling rain
Obsidian waves brewed of loss, rage and pain
Weathered and tattered, violently tossed about in the night
Tar and pitch the cracks, mend my sails with poetry I write
Repairing the damages despite barely able to see
Allowing courage, strength and hope to blindly navigate me
When the storms clear, even if only for a moment
Rejuvenating breath of calm
freed from self torment
 Jul 2015 Otherly One
Love storybook without ever after end,
yet never ending love.

Love ending never,
yet end after ever without storybook love.
Our bittersweet story shall always have missing pages, but only because we've yet to write them.
 Jul 2015 Otherly One
I hear your voices, coming from your heads, like the roaring ocean, as you write your words in waves upon the shore of technological streams.
Your words, ever flowing of emotion and thought, from love and longing to demons and angels. Mused by passion to pain, released from tears to whiskey.
Typed letters like petals of wild flowers in a field on the brink of deep sunset.
No matter who, the yearning, the elated, the cutter, the prophet...all poets singing notes off the tongue in our opera.
The songs, movements and spoken word touch a part of my soul, relating even in the slightest, as we exchange our differences on one grand Broadway.
Tis the most elegant eccentric yet eclectic set beyond the eyes' ability, seen only in a world of our minds.
You, I, we...are here.
As I read your poetry, I am spiraled into another world, grazing upon your heart as you speak.
if you fall in love, remember that you are falling
and that the fall will not last forever.
you can just as easily fall out of love,
or wake up to someone who is no longer falling.

some people trip into love
accidentally stumbling into something bigger
than they expected and while the jolt was momentarily
unpleasant, they don't mind the fall.

there are a few who will count with you
but will not jump with you, no matter what they say
because they are too afraid and leave you
to fall on your own, to hit the ground already broken.

a select few hit the ground running
flipping mid-air, somersaulting
preparing themselves for the land and launching
themselves into the air once again, unafraid. daredevils.

there are those who look before they leap
to measure, calculate, check and double check
and leap once they feel safe and ready.
they are the ones who so rarely fall, but do so with all faith.

and then there are the ones who already fell
and went and hurt themselves
and will still leap into the abyss, free and bound
knowing that they will land paralyzed and will re-learn how to love.

if you fall in love, remember that you are falling
and that the fall will not last forever.
but also remember to enjoy the fall,
because like free falling, love is dangerous

but beautiful.
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