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  Jul 2016 K G
Ana S
The breeze runs over me.
Almost setting me free.
Free from the ups and downs.
Moods high only to hit the ground.
The constant change.
My mind always being rearranged.
Walking down the halls rwmaining close to walls.
Wanting to escape the crowded.
I feel safe when no one is around.
Feel stable on the ground.
I don't wisper under my breath.
Don't let the anxiety control my movements.
I pretend to listen to music even when my phones dead.
It's only because I don't want to talk to people.
Actually deep down I want someone.
Someone who will stick around.
Not just push me down.
Not make me feel worthless.
Not make me emotionless.
Thad why I like the breeze.
I finally feel free.
A short poem about feelings
  Jul 2016 K G
Alexandra J
To demand too much is a sin;
so is rising to where I think I belong,
to where I remember I came from.
I remember,
even if the gods want me to forget,
to erase from my memory
the stern voice
they banished me with.
I came to earth through light-
the light of Jupiter’s wrath
after I dared wish for more.
Hubris is not to be played with,
is what the scars on my back remind me each night,
yet all I understand is,
I have nothing to fear anymore.

Do not tell me how to fall,
not when I still hold the memory
of having had wings.
Well, I'm but a* fool
Truly a feeling so cool

With a zillion reasons
To languish in thy prison

Coz our love was but a song
A melody in my heart for so long

Thus in my dreams you'll always linger
Just as in your memories I'll always **linger
#Retrospections  #Nostalgia  #Melancholy
                 #Eternally incarcerated
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