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'where night is....
an iron bench painted green.'

opal light

love burning,
narrow roads,
roadhouse blues,

flame of moon
city garden
cider roses
petals falling like
little red tides,
curling edges,
spells of flowers,

magic in the swinging
pub signs and the
avenues, the
cobbled streets
running forever,
little vacant space,
love in arms
thrown together,
clicking stilhettos
chips with wooden forks,

here the moon
runs with the clouds
carries in an empty
basket the fruit
of the day eaten
up, wild and high,

our love, where night
is a tide of black ink,
resting after a heavy
day, our love, sad
tonight, beseiged
by strong armies, almost
forsaken and
yet somehow survived,
a delicate kiss on
the landscape,
content at last,
reduced down
to street blues
a wish to wander,
the laughter of a pub.
A rose, they say,
will have its thorn
Which won't
destroy nor ****
It only serves to
give its bloom

A scent that's
sweeter still.

(C) 5/12/2008
They say there is a rainbow
For every blessing found
For every graceful
rose in bloom
For each
melodious sound!

For every child playing
For every bird on wing
For every fresh baked
apple pie
For every choir that sings!

Purple velvet pansies
Indigo for pearls
Blue for fuzzy violets
Green for our
great world
Yellow for a
flower in bloom
Orange sunsets call
Red for rosy apples
Good for one and all!

But what makes
us so joyous
Once new lives
have begun
Is hope they'll
be Believers
That the victory
will be won!

Knowing that they'll
have a chance
For heaven
round the bend
For them they will
be doubly bless'd


(C) 1/8/2018
I wrote this on Facebook, but I want to share it with my community here. I feel very badly about not being on site here so much... I hope you'll forgive me! I'm on Facebook quite a bit now... You can find me on there. Cathy Jarvis. My avatar is the same as here. I still love & pray for you all!
not only cares,
He can do something


(c) 7/11/2017
We ALL want to be loved & cared for!

I'm on Facebook most of the time these days. Look up Cathy Jarvis. My avatar is the same.
 Feb 2018 Inkveined
Stars sprinkle the inky night sky
Like crumbs of diamonds on a still, midnight ocean.
I am not afraid to be here, alone,
In the vastness of twilight.
For these few moments, time is as long
As the space between those stars,
And as empty, too.
The uncertainty that sunrise will follow.
As sure as the sun is destined to rise everyday,
When there's only darkness surrounding you,
Pierced slightly by the silvery glow of moonlight...
You're all alone and helpless.
You only have the vague hope that the sun will return.
And as I sit here now, star-gazer,
Faceless nomad on the damp grass;
I feel immortal, and I am afraid
That I will always be alone with the stars.
there is someone calling
my name in ocean
i can hear echos in the rivers..
someone's waving
by pushing clouds in the sky
right in the suns way..
someone's watching
i can feel that something is there
like an old memory...

get out of my head
i know it's just my imagination
but you are to blame
i don't want to forget him, even if it was possible...
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