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Nishu Mathur Dec 2016
If eyes are windows
to the heart and soul
an inkling of what
lies beneath the skin

Then thank goodness
for locks that veil a face
and hide in waves
what lies within

If eyes are windows
to the heart and soul
then welcome shades
dark or rose tinged

A screen between the I
and the world at day
where none can see
the core within

If eyes are windows
to the heart and soul
a glimpse into fears, tears,
when a heart cries

Then thank goodness
it takes but a moment
to draw down lashes
and close the eyes
Nishu Mathur Dec 2016
Though we can't change the order of things
Nor make some moments better
Nor alter what fate brings -
We can be there for one another

Though we can't stop the sun from burning
Nor the ice from layering rivers
Nor stop the tides from turning -
We can be there for each other

Though we can't wipe away all tears
Nor ease the many brows of grief
Nor remove the shadows of fear -
We can be there together

Though we can't hold the dusk at bay
As darkness begins to fill the sky
We can still brighten the grey -
When there with one another

And when the snow streams a mile
When the scent of flowers fills the air
We can hold hands and smile -
When there with one another
Nishu Mathur Dec 2016
The crystal rain needs the golden sun
To make a rainbow
'Tis only when the two are together
That the colored arch is made

Drop by drop water fills the ocean
Together, the ends of the sea flow
From place to place

The soil in itself will never grow trees
It needs nurturing by elements
Their gentle grace

And we are each angels with just one wing
How will we fly
Unless we fly together
Holding each other
In an embrace

Inspired by the words of Luciano De Crescenzo

"We are each of us angels with only one wing, and we can only fly by embracing one another.”
Nishu Mathur Dec 2016
Hair be raven, golden,  russet,
And eyes be ebony, green or blue,
Lips be red dipped in wine,
Skin almond or a rosy hue.

Hands be frail, creased with lines,
Soles worn with cracked feet,
Spine bent a storm wrecked tree,
But a voice melodic sweet.

Waves wash in ****** waters,
Forests make a leafy throne ,
Petals make a crown of blossoms,
Mountains  mould a stone.

In the eyes dance reflections,
A mirror of what I can see,
You say I am not a stranger,
Then pray tell me who I be.

One by one, I drop a layer,
And still I be a whole,
Not this flesh that covers,
Within I am a soul.
Nishu Mathur Nov 2016
I loved you on a quiet day
And I loved you on a stormy night
I loved you through the fog and mist
The sun's scourge burning bright

I loved you like fire does
Drops of water that keep alive
Like wind that breathes on a leaf
Like earth that cradles life

I loved you on a rainbow
When seven colors filled the sky
On feathers of white hope
As wings spanned across to fly

I loved you when waves rested
And when the river was serene
When grass by it wilted yellow
When waters turned shadowed green

I loved you when the sun set
And when the moon was veiled in clouds
When the stars shriveled and hid behind
Despair's dark midnight shroud

I loved you then and I love you now
I loved you all I could
And I'll love you through the beats of time
Just as love should
Nishu Mathur Nov 2016
Turquoise waves
Sunlight that pirouettes
Specks dance within
Waters sashay
Sunlight still captive
Within the folds
Its all
Aquamarine marigold
Some say
Heaven is this
In beauty
In peace and bliss
In tawny rays
On a sea deep blue
But how can it be
My love
When I know
Heaven is you
Nishu Mathur Nov 2016
you're lost in your own world
is that where you'd rather be?
step out for a moment
come walk with me

a hostage of your own thoughts
why don't you let them be?
think what I think for a moment
let go, breathe free

you won't look me in the eyes
see what I want you to see
stop for a moment and look
there's just you and me

I don't know where you're heading
you say it's destiny
slow down a bit for love
come walk with me
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