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I Fell In Love With You**

I fell in love with you
syllable by syllable,
word by word,
poem by poem
imagining the moon’s
dancing affair with stars,
twinkle by twinkle.
And then
all at once
like the explosion
of a super nova
affecting distant galaxies
and down to my very soul.
I fell in love with you gently,
the way a dew drop
glistens in the morning sun,
the way a flower often opens
to a moonlit song.
But like all love worth holding,
it turns to fire-
wild and consuming;
you have become the flames
dancing across my skin,
smoldering brightly
within my heart
turning me into the sweet smell of ash.
I fell in love with you
then quickly,
the way a meteor flashes
as it skims across the night sky
or hearts melt
within an ******* sigh.
I fell in love with you.

Aztec Warrior 12.4.15
forgot to add the music.. enjoy
she was the dance queen of the night
fragrant and exotic in her daily flight
from the bite of tropical night chills
under a starless sky and a pale moon
full of false vows that he would croon
with a granadilla fruit of raw passion
teasing his hungry eyes and keen nostrils
hot desire locked itself around their hearts
like a surreptitious granadilla creeper
entwining itself around a wooden lover
and soon the fruit of their passion had burst out
in a crescendo of dilated senses and smooth skin
she knew then that he was gone never to return:
the fabled passion fruit could be so very cloying
 Mar 2015 Nikita Zulauf
 Mar 2015 Nikita Zulauf
i'm filled with the dull ache & cautious optimism of desire
my belly, usually home to skittish swarms of beetles,
is now a butterfly habitat

suddenly my bed is so lonely &
my skin so untouched...
hazy dreams
of clothes tossed carelessly aside,
the weight of your body on mine

then afterwards
when our limbs tangled together like vines
& our sleepy words hung weightless in the dark
i imagine there would be a stillness inside me,
like calm waters where there used to be a hurricane
If I close
my eyes I can
still feel your lips
upon my skin
Occasionally I still feel it pull me
Slowly down into that swirling sea
Despite how far I've come
Part of me's eternally numb
Have to ask myself why I'm mad
Tell myself I'm not really sad
Always question the emotion I feel
Found out long ago they're not always real
They come and go without reason
Little bits of self treason
Never notice until its there
That swirling pit of despair
Its like weeks go by normally
Then its all ****** up suddenly
I've learned to handle I've learned to cope
Just take a shot or smoke some dope
I used to think it would go away
But I've learned its here to stay
 Feb 2015 Nikita Zulauf
please don't
hurt yourself;
the world
hurts you
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