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Mar 2014 · 1.3k
oh beautiful spirit
- Mar 2014
cherished kisses,
romanticized problems,
memorable episodes,
of lost self control.

holy spirit,
of greatness.

embrace me,
with your words,
of sweetness.
Mar 2014 · 2.4k
creative writing
- Mar 2014
for every minute,
brushed against,
the cold glass,
I spent a moment,
what I faced,
the ghost,
of a past,
I had no knowledge of,
until I found the letters,
and it struck me,
all the notes,
were from someone,
you used to treasure,
until the cold,
separated you both,
and left you each,
with a half heart,
and gave you a mission,
a mission to complete,
to find the other piece.
Mar 2014 · 6.1k
- Mar 2014
nothing speaks
like silence
the build up
of emotion
how it sets you
in a state
of deep thought
Mar 2014 · 19.9k
- Mar 2014
the warm feeling in your throat
when you drink
is the best
Mar 2014 · 696
from last night
- Mar 2014
gaze so strong
I nearly fainted
a kiss so powerful
I felt sedated
a spark so wicked
left me feeling electric

you are the stars
to my sky
I see heaven
in your eyes
every night

I see your smile
and I come alive

no fool
could take me
away from you
wine helped cure my writers block. wrote nearly 50 poems last night, inspiration at its finest quality.
Mar 2014 · 779
interesting day
- Mar 2014
he spoke to me
on the phone
last night

it gave me a fright
the anxiety was back
you sounded so calm
left me feeling numb

I heard your lips say
ever so gently
that you missed me

we spoke for hours
then I heard her voice
you said you had to go
and we'd talk tomorrow
I replied a short goodbye
and today at 9
you sent me a text
I guess I smiled
he's my ex but also one of my friends. :)
Mar 2014 · 659
last night I wrote drunk
- Mar 2014
your words bleed me out
like a razor sharp wound
dying with each cut
that sheds blood
my veins
are almost
certainly empty
just like you left me
is in progress
sooner or later
my organs will fail
just like our flawed love
you brought out the best
and worst parts of me
and now as I
bleed dry
I feel dizzy
but free
of my demons
and feelings
broken heart
and false hoping
as well as
these emotions
Mar 2014 · 478
in your heart
- Mar 2014
heal, release, set free
never hold a flame
unless you want
it to burn
your hand
keep it close
but far away
in your heart
it will always remain
Mar 2014 · 557
we are humans
- Mar 2014
the beauty of life
is hard to describe
it is the amount
of positive vibes
in one person's life
and the negative ones
that help us grow
like a flower
endless progress
just that, we are humans
Mar 2014 · 1.6k
moments of bliss
- Mar 2014
yesterday was truly fun
let spring break begin!
I love car selfies
with my besties
so happy
Mar 2014 · 427
will do
- Mar 2014
Sticking by you
Is something
I will do
Mar 2014 · 608
in the air
- Mar 2014
Nothing but positive vibes
Happiness in the air
That, it seems
Mar 2014 · 506
in luv w you
- Mar 2014
I kissed you
In the rain
As our love

I'm in love
With you

You're the fire
Heating up my heart
Kiss me until
I'm love drunk

Sugar and spice
Isn't needed
To describe
How much
I love
Your face
And your eyes
And the passion
From all the loving
Embraces and more
This is the cure
For all sadness
For sure
Mar 2014 · 665
happy birthday auntie
- Mar 2014
you would've been 59 today
I wish I could have seen your face
it's so sad you passed away
quite long ago
but your memory
it lives on
through me
through your poetry
you were a true artist
I admire that
you were
and always
will be
a talent
I love you, auntie.
Mar 2014 · 421
- Mar 2014
It's the sensation
Of someone
Love hearts
On your skin
The ecstasy
When you're
In the heaven
Of which is
Pure passion
The kind of feeling
Like no other
That gives healing
Makes you crave
That bliss
Felt good and wrote this, ha.
Mar 2014 · 534
- Mar 2014
Intense kisses
In the morning
Hot cuddles
In the evening
That is a good
Reason for

Just the feel
Of it all
Makes you
So much more
Mar 2014 · 555
- Mar 2014
I love the people in my life
They make me smile
Especially him
My best friend
My other half
Who I adore
With my heart
Happiest girl
There is
This is
Loving today!!
Mar 2014 · 513
happy birthday to me!
Mar 2014 · 489
together we can
- Mar 2014
I said;
Take me out.
Don't let me leave,
Your mighty sight,

You are the spirit,
That lights up the town,
You make me smile,
When I feel down.

You are the king,
Let me be your queen,
Together we can,
Hold on to love.
Mar 2014 · 672
last night
- Mar 2014
Went to an ice bar
I guess you could say
I felt quite cool
Pardon the pun
If there even is one
Ice queen
NY scene
With my crew
I love them

L.O.V.E you
I'm so happy after last night. My friends are amazing.
Mar 2014 · 636
high school darlings
- Mar 2014
Friends like these
I truly love
These girls
Are my life
They've been
A part of mine
For so long
17 years strong
My angels.
Mar 2014 · 382
- Mar 2014
pure heaven
Mar 2014 · 1.2k
- Mar 2014
Ain't got no watch
But I know it's time
To make a stand
For your rights
I believe in love
Nothing else
Mar 2014 · 458
beauty of love
- Mar 2014
I do think you're the best
my heart you stole
not like the rest
a flawed love
with a
Mar 2014 · 3.0k
rare gem
- Mar 2014
you are strong
like a diamond
gentle like
I could wish for
in a friend
unlike those
who are heartless
you have a personality
that shines through
just like every other
part of you
So lucky to call her my friend. Sia xoxo
Mar 2014 · 427
- Mar 2014
Early morning tea
Sets my soul free
Calms me down
Takes pain away
When by

Nothing hurts
Nothing aches
In the morning
And I am coping
Mar 2014 · 2.6k
Trust No One
- Mar 2014
I trust nobody
Two faced
I bet they
Talk about me
When I'm not around
This is why
I lost faith
In everyone
Mar 2014 · 831
- Mar 2014
Officially a week
Feeling weak
As a stick
People shoot
People aim
Yet, I'm to blame
Don't worry
I'm used to it
Mar 2014 · 521
eight days left
- Mar 2014
Turning 22 this month
In eight days
To be exact
Not really in
The party mood as such
People wreck it
In more ways than one
I'd rather just get drunk
And fall asleep on my own
I don't care about parties
Not even birthday shots
All I want is white wine
To have a good time
birthday soon...
Mar 2014 · 2.6k
- Mar 2014
I got captivated by a smile
Almost nearly ran a mile
Falling wasn't my style
But for you, I'd sacrifice
Me, my heart and I
When you kissed me
I literally smiled
Felt like something
Was going right
In my tragic life
You picked me up
When I was about
To almost drown
In *******
- Feb 2014
Bricks lay upon you when
You try to love again
It's never easy
To pretend
Like you

You gave your heart
You gave your heart
Only to be crushed
Burned into ashes

Never did you meet
Such a person
Of interest

You tried to see
The good in love
All you got was
And a whole lot
Of pain, so discreet
Yet, it left you weak
Love can be
A beast
Death in
Personally, I like this. I like writing anyway.
Feb 2014 · 431
eleven words
- Feb 2014
Struck up a conversation
Fell into a live situation
Complicated equation
Feb 2014 · 568
- Feb 2014
Memories seem to follow me
Makes me wanna believe
That you are in my dreams
You follow me repeatedly
You truly swept me off my feet
You are bittersweet
Perfect and complete
You are everything
I could ever need
You are young and wild
Sweet and crazy fun
With you, I am high
I, I feel alive
You're my every
Little piece of me
With you
Is my destiny
just writing. no thinking, just typing.
Feb 2014 · 429
poetic short story (kinda)
- Feb 2014
keep talking
as I am losing
losing this sanity
you destroy me

sticks and stones
break my bones
but your words
cut me in pieces
they bleed me dry
I'm near the sky
on edge of death
are you done yet?

chapter one
we began
chapter two
I lost you, man
chapter three
pled for mercy
chapter four
on the floor
chapter five
I wasn't alive
yet, you smiled
chapter six
you saw death
chapter seven
dragged you from heaven
right down to hell
****** the life
out of your heart
then planned
your funeral
wore a veil
I didn't cry
I smiled
like you did
when I died
not sure what the **** I just wrote...
Feb 2014 · 643
weren't made for me
- Feb 2014
I don't miss you
I miss the memories
The smiles and laughter
That you gave me
You're smart
And funny
But you weren't
Made for me
needed to write
Feb 2014 · 424
Hidden Facts
- Feb 2014
Love can heal you
Love can damage you
Even the best
Can hurt the most
Not always
Just sometimes
Feb 2014 · 476
if it makes sense?
- Feb 2014
You left my heart for dead, stuck the voices in my head. Wired me to believe, that love wasn't for me to keep. You kept me playing the wicked game, until I couldn't take the pain. I was broken, bruised, over you, I didn't know what to do. I was lied to, pleased, quite used to the hatred in sight, the one I thought was love. Memories held me up, kept me from drowning. The love was tough, broke me up, it was overpowering. People say, pay your dues, give a little part of you. Hopefully it will be enough, to sustain a practical love, the one you've been dreaming of. Maybe it will make sense, all the times he broke your heart, shaded your existence. All the times he kissed your lips, the kisses that left you smitten, that left you addicted. All the times he held you tight, and made you feel alright. All the times you fell for the same lies as before. All the times he walked out of that door, left you wanting more.
Random poem. Straight from the heart. Just something I wrote quickly. Felt creative enough to post.
Feb 2014 · 698
- Feb 2014
fanbases are competitive
their insults are repetitive
hatred never stops
compassion doesn't seem to exist
music doesn't seem to matter
as long as fans of artists
are battling each other
music is supposed
to bring peace
not start pathetic wars
what has become of us?
we're not music lovers
we are hatred followers

spread love, not hate
it's not too much to ask
Ranting and writing because I'm sick and tired of people talking **** about the ones in the music industry. Pretty much a poetic rant.
Feb 2014 · 786
drunken poetry
- Feb 2014
Automatic heat, attraction, I am smitten by the love, it's become an addiction, such a religion and a powerful drug. I adore you and I love you, it is what I cling to, I'm your baby, little lady, you're my lover and forever, all I ever asked for.
Wrote this last night.
Feb 2014 · 455
creative tonight
- Feb 2014
Tasted the lips of death, but I haven't met you yet, but I can feel your heavy grip as I struggle to breathe at night, the way you touched and tried too hard, how I fell for the pain of art, the way you kissed me into a grave, and how you made me scream your name, as the smoke of lust, it completely filled my lungs, took me down and let me drown, love is a dangerous game to play, yet it keeps you on your toes, ready for a hit, another cigarette to blow, amazed at how it keeps you wanting more tomorrow, you know, it keeps you calm and chilled, almost ice cold, but it's real, the tense, hot air that cools and twists and turns, trying to conceal the passion and overall devotion, the love which is addicting and truly sickening, it keeps you thinking, and loving.
I just wrote this without thinking too much about it making sense. Any opinions welcome, positive or negative. I've been smoking and drinking, so I'm quite creative right now, might post a lot of random writing, so I hope I don't annoy anyone. I just love writing, from the heart, because that's what makes it real.
Feb 2014 · 1.2k
I get high on love
- Feb 2014
Used to think we'd be nothing more than innocent friends, now I gaze in your eyes when I wanna take a trip to the stars, and when I need a fix, I dial your digits and you give me it, the butterflies flutter and I wonder, how would life be if you weren't soothing me to sleep, or hugging me tightly until my sadness didn't seem to exist?
I really like this one. I like writing about him, I like him a lot. My everything.
Feb 2014 · 438
Thank you so much for 100k
- Feb 2014
Happy Valentine's Day!
Feb 2014 · 819
Happy Valentine's Day
- Feb 2014
This is our second Valentine's Day together
And it seems like forever
Since the day we met
Since the day we spoke
Since the day we fell in love

You mended my heart
Caressed every part
And made me
The happiest girl
To ever walk this earth

Your love is like
A diamond
Precious and rare
Beautiful and magical
The spark is always there

You are my Valentine
You always will be
Because you ignite
The happiness in me

I could write for hours
About what is ours
But I'd rather exchange
A thousand kisses
A million hugs
To celebrate
Our love

You don't need
To buy me flowers
Or expensive gifts
Or red roses
I already
Have this
Diamond ring
Which is truly
Dedicated to my college sweetheart <3
Feb 2014 · 774
Fear Of Getting Older
- Feb 2014
Birthday next month
Which is why
I am Miss March
Born on the tenth
Of the third month
Of every year
I'm not liking
The thought of
Getting older
Makes me more
Than I was
The year before
It reminds me
That I'm not a kid
I am a young adult
I am a young woman
Who is maturing
And growing
And changing
More mood swings
More diet failures
College graduation
My hands are shaking
I'm lost in translation
My mind is spinning
Feb 2014 · 579
Nothing Specific
- Feb 2014
I feel like keeping a diary
Or some kind of blog
Whichever keeps me happy
Just to express, perhaps
But in more depth
Than I might show
When I post on this
Just a few thoughts
Nothing much
Mind never stops
Not for anyone
I guess we need it
To properly function
It keeps us working
Sometimes on overdrive
It helps us in ways
No one can deny
Thoughts in my head right now.
Feb 2014 · 1.7k
Just Like Magic
- Feb 2014
Constantly hot
Like a cigarette
Always lit

Burning up
Like the sun
Trying to stay cool
Like the midnight moon

Fierce and feisty
Sweet yet spicy
A little sarcastic
A little electric

When you touch
When you kiss
It's like magic
Felt like posting a poem. Love you, poets. :)
Feb 2014 · 607
Stared Into Your Soul
- Feb 2014
I stared into your soul
Like you stared
Into my eyes
We fell in love
Almost instantly
It was no surprise
You had a whole heart
You gave me one part
That's when I knew
I truly loved you
Love poem...again. Excuse me, sweethearts.
Feb 2014 · 401
Every Time..
- Feb 2014
Sober thoughts spill out
Every time I drink
Endless silence
When I smoke
Deep moments
of thought
And of us
Feb 2014 · 1.0k
- Feb 2014
His smile
Is precious
We're young
But not reckless
Sweet not sour
Love is developing
More and more
By the hour
Positive writing.
Feb 2014 · 927
Everything In One Man
- Feb 2014
You're breathing art
Every moment
Is in tact
Wrapped up
In sweet love
You, I dreamt of
And got to hold
Who cares
American dreams
Love is above
And beyond all
For you
I'd take the fall
Because I know
You would too
Spent my life
Looking for bliss
I found happiness
In your eyes
In your touch
In your arms
In your I love you's
And electric charm
You are everything to me.
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