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Bryn Kennell
24/F    Even in pitch darkness, you can still breathe, still speak, and still make an impact.
Anna Magill
16/F/Kansas, USA    I am an avid reader and writer. Originally I started writing short stories as a young child. Later I started a book series. And in …
Hamilton, NJ    Born, raised and educated in Trenton, NJ, one of 7 children from a family of Italian-American heritage. Received BA in English in 1976 with a …
S Olson
Anais Vionet
21/F/U.S.    "a-NA vE-onA." a Yale university senior with a horrible pizza addiction.
Pepper Dove
28/F    Song lyrics and poems from my soul
Ciel De Verre
18/Cisgender Female/England    Another teenager merely seduced by the nature of Poetry.
Christopher Victor Russon
74/M/Torbay, Devon UK    I love music and taking part in writing poetry. I like to read poems from other poets just as much as writing.
Sukanya Sinha Roy
India    Allowing myself to transform as many times as I need to be fully happy and free.
beth fwoah dream
England    i love writing. i try to let my subconscious write the poems. born may 1969.
Ellie Sutton
29/F    Writing about life as it happens.
Thomas Goss
WA    Wild Words Whispered Willingly
Sally A Bayan
F/Manila, Philippines    As I See Myself Right Now, Content........settled here thankful........I'm no longer there yet...glad........I'd been there... ^^^ I Am Filled With Gratitude... ^^^ Sally
25 years on this earth and all I have to offer is my wisdom through poetry. May you find peace in my words.
14/F/NY    © 2020 JCT all rights reserved, please don't post my poetry anywhere without my permission. I have been writing poetry for about two years now, …
F/The Exclusion Zone   
Sk Abdul Aziz
Life 2me is a strange journey;even before u begins and by d time u comprehend d purpose of your existenz,you're not always lucky 2 …
Brian Yule
On the road    Brian is a currently wandering writer, hailing from the county of Durham in the north east of England. A romantic, ironist, bruised idealist & definite …
35/Two-Spirit/United Arab Emirates    The blue lily who lost its blue haven....
Shadiya Zubair
19/F/India    "Let the lyrics of life be rhymed in your own unique flamboyant style" : ). Me trying to explore the lyrics of my life to …
D Allaire
I Am Here    I was born in Quebec City, studied at a private music school in Spokane. Wheeling around in an old and broken motorhome gig to gig …
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