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 Jan 2017 Mark The Vagabond
 Jan 2017 Mark The Vagabond
Vacivity feels abstract, yet maims nether ends
Burgeoning to habitual like repeated ******
Overcoming this notion of occurring widdiful
By consummation within myself
Nulling unfurling wounds
Garbed in a crimson lagoon
She can’t walk alone
Her skin could not be shown
Her knowledge is useless
Her success is fruitless
Her earnings are not well off
She cannot trough
Her legs should not be spread
She shall not lie in any men’s bed
She better be home by six
If not she would be considered as ******* *****
Her opinion never mattered
Her dignity should never be scattered
Her thoughts and body should be innocent and pure
She shall not be dressed well otherwise she has someone to lure
Yet she smiles to herself as she wanders the dark alley
79th street valley
Her fingers intertwined with hers
Dollar bills over flowing her purse
She lies sprawled on the dead street her hands pulling at her risen skirt
Tugging at her girlfriend’s shirt
She munches on the Coney dog famous in Michigan
Leans over and whispers “at least there is 1 rule I have not broken”
If the illness is what bothers you,
It's fine-- I'll always change.
That's another symptom, too;
I'll never stay the same.

If it's the mood swings that you hate,
I'll turn them on a dime.
If it's that I lose days and dates,
I'm asking only time.

I didn't mean to split again,
I promise! I was wrong.
I just want you, not other men,
(Don't make me wait too long.)

If it's that I'm borderline,
I guess I'd understand.
I'll always beg you to be mine
Then slap away your hand.
 Dec 2016 Mark The Vagabond
 Dec 2016 Mark The Vagabond
the world is shrinking
everything seems like it's at your fingertips
skype, kik
sexting, tinder
2 day shipping
live streaming
but nothing has really changed
except our ability to spread asinine opinions
faster than ever before
google celebrity nudes
watch kim k's *** tape
listen to drake's diss track
read about brangelina's divorce
it's all a joke
an illusion designed to placate you
keep you too busy watching the bachelor
to listen to a political debate
it's okay because someone will make it into a meme
bad hombre
& you can laugh at it on facebook tomorrow
while the powerful laugh at your ignorance,
run your life & ruin your life
ignorance is bliss, indifference is a sin
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