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 Apr 2015 Love
Darkness 10w
 Apr 2015 Love
Standing to close to the light cast great darkness behind..
to much can be bad..
 Apr 2015 Love
 Apr 2015 Love
and it's time to let go of these feelings, too.
No time, no time at all
It's the middle of the day
tears flowing from my eyes
hugging a picture of you
it all came as a surprise
is the reason you don't love me
because I'm so far away
maybe not light-years
but at least a couple days
and these poems I write
all tell the same story
a girl like you
just can't adore me
and I'll just smile the heartbreak away
because I know you're much too sweet
and a heartfelt hug
I'll give if we ever meet
and maybe we won't
fall for eachother
and I may be sad
until I find another
and even if I never
see (see) you again
I can't say I'll be fine right away
but I'm sure me, him and her
will always stop to pen
another poem about how brilliant
you truly are...
 Apr 2015 Love
It was rushed.
I was so nervous that my hands wouldn't stop shaking.
She didn't seem to notice.
As soon as we rounded the corner and I was up against a wall,
her lips were up against mine...
Rather haphazardly.
She tasted sweeter than church wine.
I placed my hands on her shoulders and pushed her away gently.
"Let's try that again, yeah?"
The second time was better.
Her lips fit between mine like a plug to an electrical outlet --
Instant electricity.
It was nice while it lasted.
For the lovely R, my first for everything.

 Apr 2015 Love
The first time I ever kissed a boy
I remember the sinking feeling
No rainbows or joy
There was no romance
No sparks or magic
Or fireflies that danced

The first time I kissed a girl?
Now that's a different story entirely
I felt a sudden explosion
Take place inside of me
I tasted happiness, serenity
I savoured passion and certainty.

I swear I felt the stars fizzle on my tongue
For the first time in my life
My heart understood
Where it should
 Apr 2015 Love
My Scarlet Amora
Its been a couple of days now
And I don't know how I feel
I miss you
You became my whole world in a matter of months
And now you've been ripped from my soul
We seem to be stuck in a different universe
Stuck between two worlds
Between hello and goodbye
But it's better this way
I swear to you it is
But I still miss you
 Apr 2015 Love
My Scarlet Amora
There's a tight rope laid in front of me
I've been balancing for some time
Never moving just waiting
But I can wait no more
And neither can you
To fall or to walk
The decision is mine
I've been waiting for so long
For a gust of wind to *******
To decide for me
But this is my life
And faith is for the weak
 Apr 2015 Love
 Apr 2015 Love
Are you waiting for my seams to unwind?
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