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 Jan 2015 MoonChild
I promise
That you'll be okay
I promise
That you'll make it through today
I promise
I'll be here forever
I promise
I'll let you go never
I promise
That I will stay by your side
I promise
I'll be with you through this tough ride
I promise
That I will always love you
I promise
Because it's all I can do
The night sky above us was splattered with stars.
Millions of them.
Galaxies and constellations right before our eyes.
The universe was dancing and rejoicing
To a cadence that could not be heard, but only felt.
 Jan 2015 MoonChild
 Jan 2015 MoonChild
Sometimes people have no humanity
To others who made flaws
They perceive others with imperfections
*Denying that they themselves are drowned deep into the abyss
People judging imperfections are digusting
 Jan 2015 MoonChild
Sia Jane
Orion's Belt, graced the sky as
I gazed; words cannot compare
To the wonder that a moonlit sky
Offered me that night.

My heart was a led weight.
I began to drift into
A space as vast as this
Celestial constellation
Above me in the sky.

The heaviness of heart left
An emptiness.
But there was something about
Those stars
They spoke to me in
Silent whispers, gentle caress
A love I needed.
A night I wished could marry me.

I wanted enveloping with love
And I searched,
Continents and oceans,
Lands and skies...

You never wanted me,
You wanted the idea of me
The shining diamond so comparable
To the night.

You saw what could be.
And I allowed you to dim
Then so subtly steal
Light I'd filled myself with
Since a child.

© Sia Jane
So sorry for not reading poems here as much as I want, or reading and not having the opportunity to comment.
I miss you all so much and I am going to again, find time, to really catch up.
Thank you for sticking beside me even when I am not here ***
Blind is the eye
That does not look at the blind
Deaf is the ear
That does not listen to the deaf
Dumb is the mouth
That does not speak to the dumb
Lame is the leg
That does not step with the lame
Poor is the land
That does not care for the poor
Futile is the life
That does not support the needy
I feel her there sometimes
Sometimes silent, sometimes not

When she is silent the emptiness is
And makes my skull feel heavy and weak
And my thoughts clouded with
The groping fingers of all that ask,
"Are you okay?"

When she screams, I am filled
To the brim with panic and chaos
That spews from her maw in
Tangled, writhing masses

The sound is almost angelic.
Is she heavenly?

I have never seen her but I know what she looks like.
It is a knowing feeling, or an overexcited imagination?
Long, tangled black hair,
Something is caught in the snarls and curls.
A pale face whiter than bone,
Thin and fragile like china.

Hands clawed and twisted,
Feet swollen and scarred.
A white dress long in tatters slipping off the bony shoulder

please take me back,
take me home

I plead but there are no words
Comprehensible to my human
(However extraordinarily mutated)
That leave her cracked lips.
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