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Nov 2014 · 525
Could it be that out hearts have turned black
Our souls have gone cold

Could it be that the world is blinded by greed
Forgot About Those In Need
Oct 2014 · 407
The loveless nights
Year after the other
A soul looking for love
A soul deceived with what it thought was love

Oh no dear child your eyes are blurred
An illusion after the other
Can a heart shatter so much but recover
Can a heart be torn to pieces but bring it's self together

The life we live
The unexplained questions of hurt we eventually feel

Oh love you bring the good n bad
Oh love if I only knew your mysteries
Oh love if only we were warned about how lethal you could be

If only I couldn't feel
If only
If only life without you felt so real
Oct 2014 · 498
Depressed Lover
The loveless nights
Year after the other
A soul looking for love
A soul deceived with what it thought was love
Oh no dear child your eyes are blurred
An illusion after the other
Can a heart shatter so much but recover
Can a heart be torn to pieces but bring it's self together
The life we live
The unexplained questions of hurt we eventually feel
Oh love you bring the good n bad
Oh love if only I knew your mysteries
Oh love if only we were warned about how lethal you could be
If only I couldn't feel
If only
If only life without you felt so real
It feels off but its my newest piece
Sep 2014 · 351
Behind all the ****** expressions lay this chest of a broken heart the world couldn't adjust
Sep 2014 · 406
High on love
Dear life is she human
An Angle on earth or am I blurred by an illusion
Infusing my emotions
Confusing my thoughts
Is she the one or is she all I need
An exact dose of comfort increasing my heart’s speed
An instant release of stress when my day’s a mess
A mixture of heaven’s bless
Smart by nature, beauty is a feature
Her smile heals a million creatures
When will I snap out of this dream?
Too good to be real, real enough that I can feel
Forever she’ll be remembered as my queen
Sep 2014 · 1.9k
I’m forgotten
I’m rotten
I’m the beginning of a new empire with no queen
I’m broken

A king spoken of with words just enough to drown with,
Such phrases upraise but such make a person realize
It’s enough soaked
It’s enough to stop living a throne
Not marked for his achievements

For I, well we were thought to be the best
The unsinkable ship they said,
An unexpected tragedy brought to light
When they called us the titanic
Boarding from the land of love,
With the sea ahead so calm but deadly as it was,

Love was made for us not to fear
But to fight together
And conquer all problems that appear,

Until an iceberg as cold as her took us down
To the frozen heart of the sea killing all within and around,
Witnessing it all with our eyes as it blead tears of hurt,

As how could we survive but witness death with our eyes?
How could we survive but witness death with our eyes?
As I could bear no more letting the frozen seas take over me but my heart,
As it stood for her love and no one else

A selfish beast dumb enough to believe that their love was real
Cause she left, when it was time to fight,
Left when the time was right,
Left when it was time to test our love
But no love was shown just the selfish excuse in life,
When it gets hard you move on to the next stage
That would eventually pull you back

For you are a snake killing with venom
Until poisoning yourself and tasting your own medicine to death
A heal the troubled would believe to be true,,,
Love is definitely weird in its own way
Sep 2014 · 404
Lost Souls
Born to this life
Where everything seemed nice
With a bright smile
Everything looks right
A skater on ice
Till it just cracked
Am I alright?

I smile and look alright
But deep inside I fight
When worst my smiles ignite
I can't feel the difference
Compressed feelings
another smile ignites

They wish they were me
Happiest person living this life
But I'm the toughest fighting this fight

People leaving day and night
Accidents and suicide
I can't believe my eyes
Never give up just fight
Life is short forget suicide
Here's a note
Together we will fight

Born with a quest
Fulfill life at its best
Strong even when stressed
Winners never rest
Lets win this fight
Overcome peoples judgments
Prove were blessed

Even if we're complex
think for a minute
This is your life hiding in a chest
Life's short forget
Save the regret
Here's a bet
Every life has a quest
Use time and invest
On this heart beating off your chest
I request that being depressed shall not be in your play list
But instead
A happy soul surrounding us all
A person with a goal
Self-control within their heart and soul
This is perfection
Within the righteous of us all
Not the deception
Filled by society
An insane reality
Crushing our souls
For this life is yours to control

— The End —