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Modern Serenity Oct 2014
Be genuine and not fake
be you and that's it
I'd rather be alone than to be your friend
unless you change and be yourself
until then you and me? ''We're done''!
Modern Serenity Oct 2014
the way people makes you feel
Modern Serenity Oct 2014
Listen to the cracks of the broken heart
of wind howling against the injustice feelings
The scented odor of emotional snivel
and the darkened dots of insecurity
Modern Serenity Oct 2014
From rags to riches
For better for worst
You could've done better
but you made it work
Modern Serenity Oct 2014
Sitting at my computer and starring at the screen
I'm starting to get bored and feel like I want to scream!
I'm bored out of mind without a muse
Praying that I soon get an idea to use

Looking at my poem links
starting to think my work really stinks
I finally get inspired and it lights off a spark
I'm starting to feel like a glow in the dark

I'm trying to get a interesting find
but as soon as the electricity goes off so does my mind
That was the moment where I get angry, upset and it cant be ignored
It repeats it cycle and I'm at the beginning of ''I'm bored''
#Bored as ever
Modern Serenity Oct 2014
Walking in a creepy dark forest
feeling but nothing but weirdly sorest
Visions and reality totally hazy and confused
seeing teddy's drink tea without being excused

Seeing animals sit around and eat as humans at the table
Makes my mind feel more confused and unstable
Wondering around and come across owls getting married
judging what I'll see next I should be extremely worried!

I see a bright light reflecting white off a jacket
trying it on hoping this sure doesn't throw a gasket
Running away from the foolish foul bird creatures chasing me
My boots come off and out of nowhere I'm growing into a tree

My hands turn into branches and my feet into a tree trunk
surely this must be a dream or else I'm seriously drunk
Modern Serenity Oct 2014
Can you recall when we met in a support group?
You were with Isaac who was insanely in love with Monica and her *****
You took me to your home which you gave me a basement tour
I thought to myself we were going to be best friends or maybe evens more

I gave you my ideal and ravishing book
remember how you couldn't stop talking and I knew you were hooked
You and I had our ''Okay'' which became our own flirtatious ''always'' forever
I just got butterflies and knew that some how we would always be together

Can you recall when you said you were cancer free?
You took the tests and god your test results lit up the heavens tree
You are just amazing calling me Hazel Grace
which always just made me laugh and put a smile on my face

The day came of your funeral
everything was just certainly unreal

But then I remembered: That's the thing about pain it demands to be felt
#The Fault In Our Stars
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