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 Dec 2017 tianna
stéphane noir
 Dec 2017 tianna
stéphane noir
what it must feel like
to be the moon:
forever and ever away from your love;
to know full well that
you won't ever get any closer:
you can't ever touch her..

... yet, you look upon her without end.
 Dec 2017 tianna
stéphane noir
learn to settle in.
no matter what the situation
no matter how bleak it may appear,
settle in.

you expect permanacy.
after all these years of change
you still sit back and
on a subconscious level, anyways,
expect permanency.

it's not going to happen.

knowing that its not going to happen,
you can settle in and wait for the change.
you never get too comfortable at all.
and whenever there's a change,
and there's a big upraor about it,
you can join and and sing
"i can't believe this is happening !"
and to yourself,

settle in and
maybe shut the hell up about everything being
so miserable all the time.
chill out.
it'll pass.
the sleepless saint. &
sw. yukta shwara (sp)
 Dec 2017 tianna
stéphane noir
i would never ask
and you may never tell,
but do you ever see that
dream of us in Mexico?
it's okay. it's okay. it's ok.
you don't have to answer.
just hush now and say
something sweet to me
inside of your head.
Tell me dear tell me
do you still see us
at the Louvre, in the rain?
is it me standing there
or is it someone else?
how do his hands feel?
how does his voice peal?
does his fragrance waft
away from his skin and
tickle the ***** minora?
does he wash his sheets
every four or five weeks
to keep the lonely facade in tact?
does he live on a staple of
beer and roast beast,
an occasional moonshine
when the mood strikes him just?
does he torture himself senselessly,
incessantly, bridging the neurons
to find he's forgotten it all?
... does he love Cherry Coke?
he isn't there with you is he?
it's somebody else. somebody
with yellow hair to his shoulders
and bright shining blue eyes:
the kind of eyes that tend to
outshine you, and all the
things you convinced us
you've got going for you.
the kind of eyes that seep charity.
oh, is he there with you when
you're snorkeling in the Maldives
and you realize that you've gone
just a bit too far underwater...
you're very deep when you
well know you shouldn't be.
then tell me: what happens?
you are found and swept,
carried and rescued until
BOOM! You breach the veneer
and there are all your friends
looking down at you, thinking:
"thank the Lord our Savior for
Titus Arnold Masters McMajor."

but love please love oh love,
tell me who you really see.
touch your lips and swear to me
that it isn't the mediocre man
who doesn't spring to your mind.
both of you without a stitch,
floating abreast and prone:

skeletons in the Dead Sea.
 Dec 2017 tianna
And just like that..

I no longer hear from you..
 Dec 2017 tianna
Imran Islam
I'm sorry, I'm not perfect
I'm sorry, I'm not like the others
I'm sorry, I don't care about anything.

You want to change me
You want me to be just like you
And just like everyone else.
You want to throw my close away.

You want me to listen to your song,
You want me to act like you
But where not the same
Where not the same
I think you know it.

I'm sorry, I'm not perfect
I'm sorry, I'm not like the others
I'm sorry, I don't care about anything.

Stop changing who I am
Stop telling me that I will be cool
And fit with the others.

I just want to be free
And run to my own
But you can't tell me anything
Cause I can do what I want

I don't want to be like others
So break away from the chains
But here comes the worst part.

I'm sorry, I'm not perfect
I'm sorry, I'm not like the others
I'm sorry, I don't care about anything…

Just cause I'm different
I don't want to do judge at
I don't want to be beaten up
I don't want to be looked down at
For the worst part is what.

I have to go through and I will it, it's the price
I'm not an alien where both humans
We all have a heart and belong to the same place
It's not cool to be a bully
And I think we both know it.

I'm sorry, I'm not perfect
I'm sorry, I'm not like the others
I'm sorry I don't care about anything.

Please let me be happy
Please let me be your friend
Even when we're not the same.
Please don’t treat me like I’m different.

I'm sorry, I'm not perfect
I'm sorry, I'm not like the others
I'm sorry I don't care about anything.
(Collaboration with Cesi)
{Mind of Cesi}
This meditative mind was my friend's thought. Cesi told me about 1 year ago it will be a song. Sorry, maybe I have missed some words and put it here.
 Nov 2017 tianna
Katelyn Billat
She took the joy.
She took him.
She killed me in the process.
My carcass decayed.
I was left for dead
But life began to make
Its way through me again.
Coneflowers sprouted from my ribcage.
Vines began to tangle up my spine.
Lilacs grew through my skull
I was alive again
with new strength and a
Bliss that came from within.
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