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"hush dear, be safe with us"
of whimpering
"liars, don't listen, don't make a fuss"
"you can't pretend, in your head it's all about us"
My reflection
mirrored in a strangers frown
creature creeping
underneath my gown
is it me, sweeping
give to whom it belongs, this heavy crown

In your pictures
the conflict hides
through pretty gestures
beauty subsides
and love with its tiring lectures

I don't give a ****
about your empty phrases
turned down praises
Watch me pull the plug
Your insincerity amazes
as I watch you feast on a deers pluck

You're not a dog
all you do is bark
getting rid of carcasses at the bog
listen closely and hear the lark
we all get lost in the fog
see if you can catch a spark
listen closely and hear the frog
you will see me in the dark
I know some things about dirt
I shed my feathers many times just like a bird

Always daring
never preparing
for the fall
I fly
bold with a certain confidence
but so very shy
hold a truth to obedience
when the voice tells me to abide
holding evidence of bloodlust at night

Maybe not a bird then
but a bat when
feeling a strong hunger
for your crimson liquor
in the dark I reach out to my monger
won't you be my cherry picker
I'll draw the night out and make the darkness stay longer
I'll bite you and make your blood run thicker

See me still hiding a diffidence
under this bold confidence
But I'm not about pretense
bird and bat, all the same
I feel so very tense
as it seems either I can tame
Though I don't need defense
and as you will see, I got no shame
 Sep 2018 Mike Hauser
Can my center really stay
A peaceful place?
Against all odds
Against the stream
Against the spin of the world
And galaxies and black holes
Hurricanes and bathtub drain whirlpools?
Not even the gravitational
Constant of the universe
Will be enough to stop me now
We already broke
Solids and stripes abound
Seriously, ask me about the UFO's.. I've been encountering and studying all manner of phenomena since 2010. We have amazing footage.
 Sep 2018 Mike Hauser
September's stars are creeping in
Mocking me for my latest sin
I'm only human
I can begin
Again if that's in store
And the stars only know what
May lay ahead
But they never speak a word
This time of the year
I've written a September's stars poem almost every September for about fifteen years. And as I typically like the stars this time of the year, autumn creeping in and the tilt of things changing, the pieces have always tended to be pretty optimistic slash reflective. This year, and this evening are different. Its interesting.
 Sep 2018 Mike Hauser
Flicker goes the flame
Frail or insane
You know, given the circumstances.
Sometimes I feel the same
The honesty of flame
You could extinguish me or
I could burn a Forrest, I could
Keep you warm and
Ward the dark off by my light
Or burn
I could cleanse the world in rage
But balance
That's where we are the same
The shaman and his spirit
Tending his own flame
 Sep 2018 Mike Hauser
Similes that flow
Like calm streams grow to raging
Metaphor torrents
shout out to the friend sparking my shift in literary device
We're forced, each man, to walk a trialed path—
resisted trek, uphill through blinding daze
that shrouds with crucible's perplexing haze
till fog-white skies yield quick to black clouds' wrath.
Affliction brims a thorny pack to bear
whilst dewy darkness drenches in the night,
but where is calming lamp to lend us sight?
And who will come to give us saving care?
Here through veil is heard a whisper certain,
then o'er the mountain creeps the dawning day
and with clear eyes we see the brume give way
as God retracts His theatre's curtain,
unsheathing velvet waves whose morning sheen
beyond grey mist splays vast and wondrous green.

"I will exalt You, LORD,
    for You lifted me out of the depths
    and did not let my enemies gloat over me.
LORD my God, I called to You for help,
    and You healed me.
You, LORD, brought me up from the realm of the dead;
    You spared me from going down to the pit.
Sing the praises of the LORD, you His faithful people;
    praise His holy name.
For His anger lasts only a moment,
    but His favor lasts a lifetime;
weeping may stay for the night,
    but rejoicing comes in the morning.
When I felt secure, I said,
    'I will never be shaken.'
LORD, when You favored me,
    You made my royal mountain stand firm;
but when You hid Your face,
    I was dismayed.
To You, LORD, I called;
    to the Lord I cried for mercy:
'What is gained if I am silenced,
    if I go down to the pit?
Will the dust praise You?
    Will it proclaim Your faithfulness?
Hear, LORD, and be merciful to me;
    LORD, be my help.'
You turned my wailing into dancing;
    You removed my sackcloth and clothed me with joy,
that my heart may sing Your praises and not be silent.
    LORD my God, I will praise You forever."

~ Psalm 30
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