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  Nov 2015 Miguela shine
Tick tock, tick tock.
Seconds go by.
Minutes, Hours, Days
Pass me by.
Feels like a lifetime has passed.
But, its only been 5 minutes.
Waiting for the bell to ring.
Waiting for the birds to sing.
Waiting until it´s my turn.
My turn to live my life.
  Nov 2015 Miguela shine
Guilt is a massive hurricane,
Wrecking havoc like a tornado.
Stealing your emotions, leaving you blank like a wall.
Screeching in you ears,
And clawing at your soul.
Smothering forgiveness in the flames of hatred for yourself.
Attacking your will to live.
Leaving you like a whimpering baby seal.
Or screaming like a baby craving human touch.
Until all hope is lost and

You're looking up, drowning in a sea of pity, and helplessness.

Screaming from the top of your lungs on the ledge:
**"I'm Sorry!!"
:) This poem was actually for my poetry class, but I thought you guys would like it too!!!
  Nov 2015 Miguela shine
I crave human contact,
Like a ****** craves their next fix.
Wondering when I'll be able to get it.
Obsessing over how it made me feel the first time.
Forever chasing that high.
Disappointment filling me,
Knowing that, that is all I'll ever be doing,
Forever chasing.
My body starts to shake,
As I go into withdrawal.
Feels like I'm dying.
Over and over and over again.
Going numb all over.
Ba-bump, ba-bump
Nothing. Silence.
My heart stops.
Just like the peace
Before the storm.
So soft, so quiet.
Right before I step into the light,
I'm injected with it.
Bringing me back, and
Taking me up.
Pass that first high.
Until I'm experiencing something
That for once has left me speechless.
This is,
  Nov 2015 Miguela shine
If I died,
Would you notice?
Would you even care?
Or would it be like I'm still there
Locked up in my prison,
Doing you slave work?
Not having a life,
Not having a soul.

If I died,
Would I be swallowed up in shadows?
Never to see the light of day again?
Would the darkness
Consume me alive,
Trapping me in its
Tendrils of death and hopelessness?
Until all I am is less than
A figure of your imagination?

If I died,
Would Heaven pull me up,
Or would Hell yank me down?
Would I be happy in the clouds,
Or tormented in the lake of fire?
Would I feel sweet relief
From a life filled with pain and hate?
Or would I regret
Having left the world to soon?

If I died,
Would anyone miss me?
Would they realize I'm gone?
Or would it be like a song forgotten?
Would I occasionally cross your mind,
Like lyrics?
Would you have trouble remembering me,
Like a name of a song?

If I died,
What would I become?
NO, I am NOT thinking what your thinking. NOPE. NO WAY!
  Nov 2015 Miguela shine
As you grew older


You thought you was bolder


But the world threw so much

and you couldn't shoulder

But I am
we are
with you
Dedicated to the 129 victims of terrorism in Paris
Miguela shine Nov 2015
It is the sword you swallowed
threatening to pierce through.
A voice you can feel
pushing you to the edge of perception
It’s seeing the absent evidence
It is being enveloped by a product
of your own doing.
And when the facade thickens
you find only one way out,
and its existence gossamer
Miguela shine Nov 2015
Do you even listen when I speak?
Or do you hear only what you want?
I'm sure the latter is the truth.

Do you really think I'm pretty?
Or do you only say that to shut me up?
Its not like I asked for consulence.

Do you even mean half the things that you convey?
Never mind
Your not listening
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