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Michelle Jan 2016
Both an end and a beginning,
More of a transition...
The tension of the countdown,
The thrill of the cheer.
The champagne,
the kisses with near and dear.
A rainbow of measures,
one after another,
drop after drop.
The night carries on,
song after song.
The clock strikes
as does a glimmer of hope.
For a second the promise
that this year will be better.
We swayed in the streetlights,
the moonlight,
the club,
And we sang
with the busker
who played only for us.
The truth is this year
will be the same as the last,
But blink and you'll miss it
and it'll soon be the past.
Michelle Dec 2015
Early morning sunrise
burning through the curtain crack,

And late at night
get lost together and then get back on track.

How I loved to stay
in bed with you for the entire day.

Acoustic cigarettes in chain,
dreaming our lives away.

We really did it all this time:
the fish, the bridge, the art.

But now he's gone
And here I lay, me and my broken heart.
Michelle Dec 2015
Do you remember what Harold was told by Maude?
"Oh Harold, that's wonderful. Go and love some more."
A young boy of your age should not be tied to the ground,
He should be free to love and learn in no bounds.
But a man like yourself should be only with myself
I assure you that together we need nobody else.
Michelle Dec 2015
Is the pain of saying farewell to you worth the joy I get when we say hello?
Every train station tear drop, and all the goodbyes we spoke through choked up throats, I would do over again in exchange for one last night in your arms. Love is enough.
Michelle Dec 2015
What's the point
In wasting time and wasting ink
When I can't verbalise the thoughts I think?

That night with you,
I learned the secret of it all.
The secret of love and how to fall.

In case you wonder
How you ever will know,
Spend time in silence and love should grow.

For we shared a glance,
A glance that pitifully pleaded.
And with that we knew that no words were needed.
Michelle Nov 2015
I could swear my heart is bleeding, so why is my pen run dry?
I could swear my eyes are streaming, so why won't my pen cry?
Michelle Nov 2015
I remember that night as clearly as the stars did shine for us. Who'd have known that a secret touch and a stolen kiss would lead to such beautiful agony?
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