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To the joy
We dance, we jest and joust
The complex interplay of two
Souls recognising selfness
Seeing the edges fit

To the sorrow
This memory fades, surely, swiftly
A conversation half remembered
The realisation that ..
I can't recall your voice

To the sweetness
A softly remembered moment
The curve of a finger
Tracing line across memory

To the senses
That I can't feel those arms
Lightly, a tear traces a path
I feel it slide down my cheek
Then unseen weight grips

To the Anger
Against moments expectation unmet
When the collision occurs
And unwanted words come forth
The rage unchecked

To the self
The clash of the ego and id
tripartite vying for casual dominion
Eros and Thanatos war
Action dictated by thought

To the internal
The experience of
A lucid world of love
of longing, of joy
And it's counterpart; sadness

As I remember that I will
Never see you again
We will never speak
You will not know
How much you are missed

To friendship
To the joy of finding each other
To the gift of you, selflessly given
To the kindness
To both sides of a being

To the present
To Finding ways to exist Sans those who've faded
Always to persevere
The interlocking of past and now
Always seeing and remembering the essence of their being
Just breathe

To the heart
No words exist for this journey
From innocence to sorrow
And back
But when led with..

Nothing is insurmountable
Written after the death of my Friend Simon, a supreme badass who, like all supreme badasses, found the normal unexciting.
It would be your fingers
Gently trailing my back
That drives me crazy
With every touch

It would be your lips
Slowly travelling across my skin
That sends those breaths escaping
With every kiss

It would be your words
Breathing into my ears
That gives me satisfaction
With every whisper

It would be your love
Penetrating from your body to mine
That increases my heartbeat
With all that we have going on inside
The words trailed off
Like the gentle wind
They left me stranded
Wondering what's at the end

In the pages I fall
So to speak
In the stories of you...

...And I never want to leave
A minute inhale of petrichor
The silent shadow of rainfall
Silver skies after a shower
White clouds pure like a newborn
Innocence colours her temple
May our love never be torn
Pale petals the shade of light
The meaning of love at first sight
Bound together for hereafter
Never bade goodbye or waver.

There’s something quieter than sleep
Within this inner room!
It wears a sprig upon its breast—
And will not tell its name.

Some touch it, and some kiss it—
Some chafe its idle hand—
It has a simple gravity
I do not understand!

I would not weep if I were they—
How rude in one to sob!
Might scare the quiet fairy
Back to her native wood!

While simple-hearted neighbors
Chat of the “Early dead”—
We—prone to periphrasis
Remark that Birds have fled!

— The End —