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  Feb 2019 Mermaid
The sun strays
as its ray
fall *******
the yard that
is long gone,
mud dried
to the point of dust,
green grass
a thing of the past.

No one remembers
what a lawn chair was,
or when
the summer went
so slow
as the old folks
sat in the yard
and yacked on
about some thing
us younglings
didn’t have
any interest in.

The flower bed
is long dead,
stone blocks
now play border
to a wasteland
of forgotten
garden dreams.

The old occupants
have long since
and all that is left
are memories
and even they
will not last.
  Feb 2019 Mermaid
Pagan Paul
Threading dainty upon eggshells
a free spirit dances lightly.
Passing through and in between
to mesmerise the casual ******.
Her smile, with soft collision,
scatters colour on dim memory.
Her presence, autumn made flesh,
stirs the stones of ancient thought.
Shining gems of mute understanding
sparkle for her tapestry mind.
Casual silver lines of wisdom
weave her playful astral patterns.
Reaching coyly beyond old walls,
lips silent, holding unspoken secrets.
Her eyes framed with amusement
taking shy pleasure from grace.

© Pagan Paul  (2017)
  Feb 2019 Mermaid
Ma Cherie
the day bows down
to the darkness
an your love
well ties it up neatly,
now so naked here in our starkness
to love me so lovely and sweetly,

in a slow sweet soft kiss
now a lovely lit night time dance
seductive in such
gradated beauty
as rhythms quake quietly,
inside of the possible
new fresh idea
inside the sweet bud of romance,

bright blue and pure white clouds billow me yonder
in a wanting
an just longing you- trance,
oh to kiss me now jaunting
neath my starry night sky
in soft an
yummy warm tangerine pink too
as we talk here it's haunting,
in the rarest of possible lifetime
our chance
an we've but only one,

we are locked together
until the shining bright sun,
an eternally grateful
feasting on
the lovely sorbetto like skin
all from just the one
long lost an beguiling me-
no an it just can't be a sin,
to taste life
as we wish to again,

because I knew in that moment
yes I knew of your magic
because I felt it down deep way inside
so I just let you then wield it
my heart you have healed it
an now I have no use for my pride

come find me an love me
there's no place I'd rather be
or anywhere I'd
wish to go to away an hide

but beneath the sweet weight
of your beautiful beautiful
anciently aging
 holy wisdom and grace
in the caressing of skin
an the retracing of face
we're returned to our to bliss
in a state of pure grace
so very lovely and perfect
an beyond all time an space,
I submit to the lovely
new us
now taking fine shape
an from the tip of my toe
to the top of my nape
all over right now
I will
allow you to drape,
your love on me baby,
in here
where we can always escape,
inside each other,

as I lay beneath
your **** an sacred
alabaster bones
where I now know
any fear
an I know for certain,
I've finally
come all the way home.

Ma Cherie © 2017
Idk... listening to tunes and wishing on love .. as usual;Love you all❤
  Feb 2019 Mermaid
Ma Cherie
Love can be so fleeting
like the brightly shining sun
to leave you feeling sorely burned sometimes
or relieved when days are finally done
times to leave you feeling empty or leave you feeling perfect- full
sometimes love is high so grand
sometimes there is a quiet lull
sometimes it's awful easy true
other times
it's like a stupid an
stubborn bull

either way
- we always seek it
elusive like a distant dream
we chase it an ever wander on
to seek a perfect shining gleem,
like the rays of the sweet
warm sunshine
to finally bask in the
lovely glowing beam

that's what love is I think.
Copyright Ma Cherie 2017 still having trouble but trying anyway to write that is having trouble with the system here
  Feb 2019 Mermaid
Odd color
of trifling light
Flitting petal
emerged from asphalt's
heated slumber
to lead some airy way--

The road forgot
Sometimes there is a moment that deserves forever....
  Feb 2019 Mermaid
Poetic T
We are the pollen of
    Of our fathers.

And the blossom
       Of our mother's

Our petals flourish
        For we are the

Flower of unity
      Given life.
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