All writing material are the intellectual property and copyright of myself, David Ehrgott. contact me for permission to use or print/reprint. Like me on Facebook β¦
Writers are great lovers. They fall in love with other writers. That's how they learn to write.-Natalie Goldberg Musarrat Bte Salam is currently studying in β¦
Honolulu Hawaii
Writer of variety of styles and feel and not only one, .. depending on the mood. R.I.L. daddy. You gave birth to my passion. Poetry β¦
Someone once said today will be yesterday and tomorrow will never come... so love today with all your heart, tomorrow might be too late... Friendship β¦
London. UK
I am a poet, writer of short/flash fiction and am presently struggling through my first novel. With a fascination for the darker side of penmanship β¦
Writer, Blackout Artist, Mentor || "I am a wanderer, an explorer of life deeper currents, and my exploration has in the last few months, turned β¦
"Seek and ye shall find." β-ββββ Put this on β-ββββ your profile βββββββif youβre not -βββββ embarrassed β-ββββ to tell others β-ββββ that you β-ββββ β¦