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  Mar 2015 Melania
Rae Harrison
And I had to walk away
I was just hoping at least he noticed I didn't run
the title is a thought for after the poem
Melania Dec 2014
I'm exhausted of feeling you close
When I know you're miles away
I suffer from hearing your name
Even in the middle of silence.
I hate looking for peace in my heart
When I can't find ways to forgive you.
I'm tired of blaming myself,
Blaming you... Somebody's to blame
For this twisted heart.
Must be me for believing you.
Somebody's to blame for this tragic heartbreak... Everything points to you
I keep searching for silver linings
The real you at the end of darkness.
I keep trying to find reasons why
Meeting you had a purpose in life
Because you left me with nothing but a broken promise.

I know I should let it go
But you won't let me let you go.

I knew you would forget, just as soon as the sun would rise,
But your words, cliché and hollow, came as no surprise.
I asked but one small favor, at both break and close of day,
Just to hear you say hello, but now, hope's bled away.
Melania Sep 2014
I wish i could listen to
The blaring voices commanding me to move on
Stating it should be as simple as
"Out of sight, out of mind".
I wish these voices were silenced
By my frail heart whispering
"He was the only one".
Melania Aug 2014
This bridge, it would keep us together
Where we would only be separated
By sight ... Not by soul.
It had the potential to last forever
We both knew
It would keep us stable through storms
And put us to sleep under the sun.
This bridge, it brought us together
Against all odds and complications.
It turned us into two lucky
Fate-believing, story-tale-ending, happy lovers
Until it couldn't stand minutes, days,
Time ... It eventually takes everything.
The steady pieces we once stood on
Were drifting away as easy as
Feathers on a summer breeze.
I would try to keep them together
While you finished crossing to the safe side
Barely trying to repair the damage
The traces are still there but the fixer is long gone.
This bridge. It used to keep us together
It eventually tore us apart.
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