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I am slowly learning to disregard the insatiable desire to be special. I think it began, the soft piano ballad of epiphanic freedom that danced in my head, when you mentioned that “Van Gogh was her thing” while I stood there in my overall dress, admiring his sunflowers at the art museum. And then again on South Street, while we thumbed through old records and I picked up Morrissey and you mentioned her name like it was stuck in your teeth. Each time, I felt a paintbrush on my cheeks, covering my skin in grey and fading me into a quiet, concealed background that hummed “everything you’ve ever loved has been loved before, and everything you are has already been,” on an endless loop. It echoed in your wrists that I stared at, walking (home) in the middle of the street, and I felt like a ghost moving forward in an eternal line, waiting to haunt anyone who thought I was worth it. But no one keeps my name folded in their wallet. Only girls who are able to carve their names into paintings and vinyl live in pockets and dust bunnies and bathroom mirrors. And so be it, that I am grey and humming in the background. I am forgotten Sundays and chipped fingernail polish and borrowed sheets. I’m the song you’ll get stuck in your head, but it will remind you of someone else. I am 2 in the afternoon, I am the last day of winter, I am a face on the sidewalk that won’t show up in your dreams. And I am everywhere, and I am nothing at all.
I wear a scarf
                  to keep my words warm.
So you will smile when
                     they smack you in the face.
His eyes are alive with desire
Embers of brown smouldering coal
A hunger for the flames of the pyre
Upon which funerals are borne

His smile is a grimace
A shallow grunt of pain
His heart the only witness
To the bile that runs in his veins

His words are twisted demons
Who speak no civilized tongue
His oath the words of heathens
Who hail disasters yet to come

Their foreign gods are calling
Silent cries demanding blood
Echoes of the winter morning
Sounds of a spring time flood
This poem symbolizes the way our enemies are demonized in war and made to be inhuman beasts. It is easier to **** a monster then a man. This piece simply displays how propaganda can twist our vision of another's humanity.
 Mar 2015 Megan Kaliszewski
 Mar 2015 Megan Kaliszewski
Times New Roman reminds me of a time when I knew that romance was not dead because I got to hold it in my hand 
The curve of the characters reminds me of the uneven curve of your cupids bow

The claustrophobic clustering of vowels reminds me of the cringe worthy cling of your foggy glass  frames stuck to mine, failing sight feeding failed intimacy

The simplicity of each symbol reminds me of the systematic sufficiency with which you seduced me in so few words,
 the straightforward soliloquy with which you struck me and bereft me of my sanity.

The length of each letter reminds me of the longevity of our last embrace
Lanky limbs looped laterally to the length of my body for literal milliseconds

The overuse in overdue essays typed in early hours of the morning reminds me of the overuse of three words and the emptiness and lack of effort behind them, 

Submitting those three words for a good grade and a pat on the back, coming up short because professor and princess alike saw through the inability to do
With meaning,
That your words had no feeling.

The fact that though I've faced fancier fonts and fell for them fanatically, I always return to the first, reminds me that though a fair few have found more than friendship in my fragile forearms that the first is the forever 
and if at times the former 
then always the future

the finest font I've ever found is you
Bagpipes wail in sorrow,
This man will not wake tomorrow.

— The End —