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 Jul 2022 Maria
Sheila Haskins
Find it, it’s calling to you
In the soles of your feet
In music so sweet
In the food that you eat
In skies azure blue
Find it in love that you give
In the life that you live
It’s calling to you
In the voice of the lark
In the moon after dark
Whatever you do
Find it
In warm winds that blow
In storms and in snow
Find it
Never let it go
 Jul 2022 Maria
 Jul 2022 Maria
30 June 2022

Shortcomings in cement,
Anger, pain, really meant,
Open window truth was bent,
Love no longer pays the rent.

Weight of steel bar sent,
Imprisoned acidic scents,
Reflected resentment.
 Jul 2022 Maria
Samm Marie
 Jul 2022 Maria
Samm Marie
I crave the kind of love
They write books about
The kind that Hallmark movies are made of
The kind that feels everlasting
I was a bird
پرنده ای بودم
In the sky
From your eyes...
...در آسمانی از چَشمانِ تو
When you didn't see me flying
در آن هنگام
که پروازم را حس نمی کردی

Why are your eyes so beautiful?!
چرا چَشمانِ تو آنقدر زیباست!؟
That I released the lock of hair
To your wide blue sky...
که من موهایم را
...در آسمانِ پهنِ آبیِ تو رها کردم
 Jun 2021 Maria
Mitch Prax
 Jun 2021 Maria
Mitch Prax
Every time I
talk to my demons,
it always comes back
to you.
 Jun 2021 Maria
Water Lilies
 Jun 2021 Maria
You hold pain in your palms
Like water lilies it floats around
You guard it with your fingers
But as time tells tales of broken pasts
Nothing can stop the rain
From washing the lilies away
 May 2021 Maria
Melinda Barrett
I thought if I destroyed myself
I would also destroy my feelings
But what I really needed to do
Was just some inner healing
 May 2021 Maria
Odd Odyssey Poet
Black as fair,
a tone to your dark skin.
Many pieces of joy entwined in your curly hair.

I swear,
by the promises I make to self,
I'll long for something as you, ever so rare.

Tender and care,
for you I must. I probably will I swear.
Loving a black queen in so deep,
by the love of her depth
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