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Success can be credited to you,
Failure will be ours.

One to boost confidence,
Another to ward off depression.

Life can be a tough journey,
Together it can become ride full of adventure.

Believe me,
Believe in you,
Trust you,
With my life.

It's our story,
A little bit of YOU in ME
A little bit of ME in YOU
Together we create US.

Together we can, and we will weave the magic,
The sunshine.

Sparkle In Wisdom
March 2019
 Jan 2019 a mcvicar
Grace E
Darling, I’m a storm of color
I’ll blow through your soul
And leave your rigid black & white
In bewildered wonder
 Jan 2019 a mcvicar
 Jan 2019 a mcvicar
body dripping sweat
gently kiss the bamboo mat
in chaturanga
you are
totally right.
I'm as dry as
a desert, I'm a dead
empty land. I used to be
a  jungle  when  the  clouds
where by my side, and now that
they are gone, my trees, my dreams
they dried and died. Because of this,
nothing grows inside of me, there is
only silence and despair. I can't feel
what  I  write,  I  barely  feel alive
I want to feel human again
Oh god, I really miss
the rain
Es frustrante tener  las palabras pero no el tiempo y luego tener el tiempo y no recordar las palabras
Rivers of red
Flowing like veins
Rivers of red
Your moaning of pains

Grey hair dyed
Tips and ends fried
Like your fingertips tapping
My messages kidnapping

My feelings rotten
And emotions forgotten
Your stupid mind
Deaf, insensitive and blind.
My classmates are horrible.
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