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 Jun 2014 matt nobrains
Lost Soul
Hearing footsteps but are they mine
In my dreams, I'm wasting time
Now waking up to reality
Are the same words guiding me

The words that were never said
The ones that filled up every inch of my head
The question is... am I living or am I dead

Not in a psychotic way
But in a way that... does my life have a presence
Presence being a live and forgotten being death...

So what route can I take to stay existing
And not a dwindling thought
These are the things that fill my head..
While I'm stationed in the dark
Thunder troubles a darkening sky.
Wind rustles the sun dappled grass
as miles of meadows wander by.

Shadows dance on a distant hill
of monsters meeting in the air,
tired of merely standing still.

The sun it tries to stand and fight
piercing the monsters with beams of light.

The light if fades from a shattered sky.
The monsters merge with all their might
and the evening darkness begins to cry.

The very air it begins to howl
stirring every branch and blade.
It regards the monsters with a scowl.

The monsters throw their streaks of light
a raucous symphony of sound and sight.
A false dawn drives back the encroaching night.

But the wind is a force that won’t be denied.
It vows an oath to take back the sky
and drives the monsters upon the tide.

The moon and stars are all that remain
to comfort the tears of a war torn sky
and remind the monsters they fought in vain.
In ancient times long long ago,
when Ptolemy looked up into the firmament-
with wonder and amaze, to see the heavens glowing there-
he little knew of how the Gods did sport and play!
When Cassiopeia ope'd her ***** and let forth her music in the heavens, with joy the stars did dance and planets in their fundament  strove to eclipse each other vying with all their might to illuminate-the heavens more bright with their ethereal light and splendor.
Andromeda began to dance, then Sirius  and Betelgeuse,
Virgo too with Capricorn- Herculese and Aquila-Regulus with Ursa minor, all the planets danced but one,
and that with angry stance, refused to join the dance,  
Mars with red countenance stood aloof feigning reproof,  
 Look carefully, and you will see,
the stars still dance for you and me.
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