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 Sep 2014 Marley Jane
 Sep 2014 Marley Jane
broken fingers,
broken hearts
and lost loves
who will stay
forever hidden
in manhattan.
 Sep 2014 Marley Jane
days dangling
persisting mists keep paralysis
locked upon these lips
priority checklists insist
there is much more to live for than this

but a pack of 20 is gone long before
the night arrives
to heighten my hollow feining core
eagerly willing to endure more
if it brings an end to the internal war

then moved onto 100's
it's the percentage of how certain I am
that all corruption
is never ending

these invented coping methods
-lists of pros and cons with cigarettes-
are not getting me any closer
to blending
only extending
the mending process
of which I wish I was commencing

I bet instead
I'll keep pretending
that this demise is intended for me
still I know I'm only guessing
and growing further away from
social structure
that has been made,
but made to rupture

We shall find the Cube of the Rainbow.
Of that, there is no doubt.
But the Arc of a Lover’s conjecture
Eludes the finding out.
Maybe I should be content
Perhaps life was being kind to me
It took everyone away gradually
Instead of in a handful.
 Sep 2014 Marley Jane
Zoe Sue
I waited
Loyal, by the window for my prince to return from battle
Or for you to come home from work
But it seemed to feel the same
(As) I waited
To find solace in smiling eyes
That never failed to flip the switch
So I could see the light in me

I mimicked
Poker faces and faraway places
In accents we wished could be ours
You taught me to want more than now can offer
And I’m anxious to see where later will lead

I idolized
This deity more worthy than any I’ve found
And when they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up
I said,
“A technical writer, just like my dad”
And it didn’t matter what ever the **** that was
Or its salary
Because, to me, being like you was the best thing I could do

I needed
Your bedtime songs to find sleep in the dark
With a voice that somehow sounded like pride
When you spoke of me
When you spoke to me
And resilience
And a difference
All your own

I detached


Without noticing


Where there were once bridges


Too late

I was too old

To hide under your covers

When the bad dreams came

Too old

To cuddle up on your lap

And squeeze you so tight you could never get away

But it was me
Getting away
Without knowing
Where to go

I felt
Time locking me out
Away from you
To find me
And I know
I’ve ****** up in the process
And I know
I’ll **** up in the process
But if the apple doesn't fall far from the tree
How great that means I may be
You are the reason I can be who I am and there is nothing I am more grateful for than that
 Sep 2014 Marley Jane
You find yourself so bored out of your mind,
that it becomes amusing to drive others out of theirs

Good girls will leave their heart at your doorstep
and days later, you'll have the pieces scattered around your bedroom

Your old drug of choice just doesn't seem to cut it any more,
but manipulation has never felt more addicting.

Make them say your name, make them tell you they love you
Keep that memory alive when you stop returning their calls
and when your words have cut deep enough, don't flinch when you see your mother cry for the first time
and don't think twice when you know that you're the reason why

Where did your feelings go?
You see how red your anger can be,
but do you remember what shade remorse is?

You prey on the people that love you most and run them dry
You feed off of their hope that maybe you'll change.
But you don't entertain the thought of love anymore
and you'll never see that people are not just another notch in your belt.
Heard something that provoked this thought.
What do you think?
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