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He poured the coffee
Into the cup
He put the milk
Into the cup of coffee
He put the sugar
Into the coffee with milk
With a small spoon
He churned
He drank the coffee
And he put down the cup
Without any word to me
He emptied the coffee with milk
And he put down the cup
Without any word to me
He lighted
One cigarette
He made circles
With the smoke
He shook off the ash
Into the ashtray
Without any word to me
Without any look at me
He got up
He put on
A hat on his head
He put on
A raincoat
Because it was raining
And he left
Into the rain
Without any word to me
Without any look at me
And I buried
My face in my hands
And I cried
 Aug 2014 Mariève D
Madisen Kuhn
she buried her face in books
so no one could see
the emptiness in her eyes

she filled her mind
with fictional fantasies
and hoped that one day
they would become real

but because her head
was always stuck in a book
she never got the chance
to have adventures
of her own
 Aug 2014 Mariève D
Circa 1994
and i'm not sure what's worse;
to be lonely with someone, or to be lonely without.
 Aug 2014 Mariève D
Don't tell me what love is. 
Dedication is needed, sure,
but I'm telling you, baby,
that's not nearly enough. 
I've been in that relationship 
where I was dedicated til the end,
but it did no **** good. 
Don't tell me what love is. 
At the close of the day,
love isn't even enough baby,
I'm sorry to say. 
You can love someone
until you take in
your very last breath
and it'll do nothing
if its just not meant to be. 
Don't tell me what love is. 
Love is patience, right?
Or kindness. 
Love is acceptance. 
Don't tell me what love is. 
Love is the amalgamation 
of all these things
and so very much more. 
I used to worry how you know
when you've found the true thing. 
But don't tell me what love is,
for now, now I know.
This is my interpretation of the difficulty we have with defining love.
Please don't ask
if I'm okay,
I might do something
stupid like open up
to you
and I'm really tired
of getting close to
people and watching
them leave me like
I'm nothing
I strum this guitar
In a methodical way
Like you did my heart
Learning to play the guitar...Yay
I used to never think of love
Of how your heart speeds up
Of how you feel as if there was a dog chasing it's tail in your stomach every time you see them
Of how all the good moments felt as though they'd never end
Of how the bad moments never lasted longer than a blink
Of how every touch lights a spark that ignites into a fire of passion
Of how your cheek meat hurts after every time you meet them
Of how every kiss and every embrace was another reason to live
Of how you feel when you make them laugh or smile
Of how a whole day of rain and clouds can turn into a day of sunshine and rainbows
Of how their arms feels as though they could protect you from anything
Of how much you couldn't spend more than a day away from them
Of how much you never wanted them to leave

But then, I met you...
I have almost no idea where in the world some of this came from. I mean "fire of passion"? What. Does. That. Even. Mean?! (Someone help meeee)
Don’t eat less, eat right
Don’t hold it in, it’s okay to cry
Don’t hurt yourself, there is always an alternative
Don’t shut yourself away, speak up
Don’t be your own bully, be your own hero
Don’t give up, because you’re worth so much more than you think
Eh. Could be better but it could be worse.
When no one else was there to save me,
it was.
It always wraps me in its warmth,
Listens to my every sob,
Pats me in sympathy and comfort.
It's been my lifelong friend.

Most kids are afraid of the dark,
But really there's no need.
Darkness has always been my friend
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