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Margrett Gold Jul 2014
when the giggles have gone,
all you've got are the *****
Margrett Gold Jul 2014
we seesawed on sallow vines,
it gripping the crux of me
pioneering through overcast intuition,
yet seemingly nearer to the light.
There are so many times that I base my reactions only on my own perspective, no matter how smart I think I am  handling" it" and we're creating our own functionality. I'll have epiphanies at times when answers seem simple, and then it changes as if the light is always in my peripheral reach. We learn every day through new experience, but each of us experiences differently and has one's own interpretation, which is why it seems to me, that nothing is solid. Even scientific fact changes as the world moves on. It doesn't wait on others to finally notice, try as we might to keep up.
-just a scattered rant.
Margrett Gold Jul 2014
I've got one golden thumb
that's worthless,
heavy at high fives

and two corkscrew eyes,
that role around like dice
when I lie.

A heart shaped nose
that I use to seal envelopes
instead of a kiss

and cotton ball lips
soaked with sweat
from your fingertips

My ant farm abdomen,
consuming to the beat
of bodies and waste

Legs with feet, feather up
thickly, like smoke
coming in at first place.
Just random and silly images that I needed to imagine and illustrate.
  Jul 2014 Margrett Gold
Muggle Ginger
There are too many people
With smiles outshining
Their hearts
When did it become acceptable
To say foul things
As long as we brushed our teeth
Instead of being good people
Even in ***** clothes
I opened my eyes
And looked up at the rain,
And it dripped in my head
And flowed into my brain,
And all that I hear as I lie in my bed
Is the slishity-slosh of the rain in my head.

I step very softly,
I walk very slow,
I can't do a handstand--
I might overflow,
So pardon the wild crazy thing I just said--
I'm just not the same since there's rain in my head.
  Jul 2014 Margrett Gold
This morning
I woke up and I told myself
It's a new day,
It's a new life.

This afternoon
I got home from school and I told myself
You're closer to your goals,
And closer to your deadlines.

This evening
I got up from a nap and I told myself
If you refuse to work for it,
How will you ever get there?

Before I go to bed I will remind myself

" You are capable of great things,
But those great things are fruits of your labor. "

If you refuse to work hard now,

no room
for regret
in the
Tomorrow, will be better than today.
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