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 Jul 2014 Margaret
a rape culture
 Jul 2014 Margaret
men ask us
"what is a **** culture?"

when a woman's "no"
enters through the mind of a man and comes out as
"convince me"
that is a **** culture

when i cannot walk down the streets at night
without my keys between my fingers
that is a **** culture

when a victim is blamed
and a criminal is sympathized with because
"he had such a bright future"
that is a **** culture

when he was an adult and i was a child
and you dare to ask me what i was wearing
that is a **** culture

so if you're asking me
"what is a **** culture"
i will tell you

*it is our ******* culture
 Jul 2014 Margaret
Priyanshi Dass
I wasn’t born to write
With every bent petal,
and every fallen leaf,
my ma’s sweet kisses
And papa’s gentle smile
I learned to write

A five year old me was once fascinated
by the loop of an ‘e’
and the playful swing of an ‘m’,
The wide smile of a ‘d’ delighted me
Words were powerful and mesmerising,
now they lie discarded and ignored
in broken stanzas of self proclaimed irrelevance

I watch the black ugly marks
That taints countless sheets of paper
They surround me in a sea of ink
That once flowed carefully and slowly
A thousand thoughts with each single word
Drained lies my mind, my breath’s not a whisper but a plea
My heart pumps blood not ink, I’m not a poet, it says
Incoherent scribblings mock me with their existence

As a child, confined spaces scared me
But now, a confined mind petrifies me with just a glimpse
A pen stays gripped in my hand
I wonder what it fears more
My inability to let the ink flow coherently
Or my arrogant ramblings, regardless
And fearless of consequences
While I stumble on disjointed verses

A paper aeroplane is my best accomplishment
In my two hour search for freedom and thought
Who cares for pretty words and mystifying couplets?
When the idea of a paper boat seems much more exciting

-പ്രിയാന്ഷി ദാസ്‌
Written on 19 June 2014
 Jul 2014 Margaret
Two travelers, pursuing knowledge!
One goes from the outside in
Sees divide from sky to skin,
Forgets the God's footsteps and where they've been..

Two travelers, must acknowledge!
One goes from the inside out
Knows unity, no single doubt.
Sees them wither just so they can sprout.

Together today,
Travelers of two wandering ways.
Eye to eye, they utter and say
Its neither nor, and both today!

Sighs the wind,
Oh how knowledge is ever so grey.
This ones for both and...
 Jul 2014 Margaret
Tommy Johnson
I'd give you a hand
If it didn't cost me an arm and a leg
You'll be in my thoughts
And my heart goes out to you

I laid my eyes
On your tapping toes
And buckling knees
You have no back bone

I got a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach
Even though you split my sides
I could read your lips
And I saw you were lying through your teeth

You were tongue tied
Your wrists were slit
Hair frizzed
Voice raspy and dishonest
 Jul 2014 Margaret
I don~t understand love poetry sometimes,.?

Yup… Flowers, Favorite Moments, The Whole Shebang

Gentlemen write things like “Rocking you in my arms brings be great tingles of joy”

And women, I quote, say “Protection and safety are found in your presence”

Yeah… The stereotype is lovely.

Poets and optimists alike eat up the rhythm and emotion.

Yet why?

What do we want?

What do we look for?

Who cares?

I guess anti~lovers would say.

Me maybe?

Yes I believe in love,

Yes I have felt it~s evil pangs

And seen it~s effects.

What of them?

Each generation the same.

Each lover alike in thought

“Can~t live without you”

“Miss you to death and life and back again”

What do we want?

Don~t know.

Don~t need to.

Just know I don~t want it.

Don~t want a lover.

Holding someone tight doesn~t define your life or mine.

But What Does?
 Jul 2014 Margaret
Gaby Comprés
my heart is
a treasure
my heart is
my heart is
not a toy
my heart is
not meant to be played with
my heart is
not meant to be cut in tiny pieces
my heart is
my heart is
my heart is
a wellspring of life
my heart is
fearfully and wonderfully made
and i know that full well.
Guard your heart.
 Jul 2014 Margaret
Dani Greaves
Come into me.
Run your hands along my curves
And fill me tenderly;
I’ll welcome you.
By rhythmic passion stroke me,
Do it with your loving fellow.
Rush me with aggression
And then touch me with affection.
Make me sing, my darling.
Hold me close and make me moan.
We’ll lean in to waves of pleasure
and ride.
Let a grand swell rise.
With tantric tingles through our skin,
We will bask until again.
It happens again and again,
Coming in the morning waiting for hell to start
Looking to the weekend
To give a jump to my heart
And every day when I come home
I constantly am in a fight
To tell myself to just wait
For the day I'll never be alone at night
To live every day with a smile on my face
Because I've told you time and again
In my heart and and in my arms you'll always have a place
To spend every day with you
Clutched in my embrace
But it seems like it will never happen
As life drags on at a leisurely pace
Yet in the back of my mind there's a fear
Because no will always be the answer life makes it seem
So every night I lay in bed thinking
And I just silently scream
Life has a ****** up way of teasing you with something that's it never going to let you have
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