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 Oct 2014 Margaret
I love it when it rains,
it gives me an excuse to burrow myself into your coat
and under your umbrella,
and pretend that we actually are something more.
J'adore le pleut. C'est magnifique.
 Oct 2014 Margaret
SG Holter
Wish I could read every book
In this world.
Wish I could shake every hand
That hasn't harmed an other

If only I could press that heart-
Shaped button for every poem
I read,
And inhale every poem of every
Poet that ever pressed one
Under any of mine.
And those of any that didn't.

I see gems with each scroll.
Bits of lives, heartbeats,
Some broken, some healing,
Some full of nothing but
Gratitude. Some filled with voids.
So many laughs. I wish I could
Share your every one
With you.

If I try to hold on to it all,
I'll lose my mind.
And track of my time.

I see poetry in every post.
Wish I could comment on them all.
Some I may not fully agree with,
But praise to all that write.

I have been gifted with so much
Response from so many.
I've tried to reply and thank
Each one,

But I am just one man.
A tired construction worker with
Band aids on every finger
At times.
Their tips hurt from sharp screws,
Hammer blows and rushed
Carving, then typing.
Head from digging in these
Second language parts
Of my simple Norwegian
Workman's brain.

Living a full, fantastic life.
One that I cherish
To write about.
To share. To express to myself,
And in the same breath
Anyone wanting to read.
I suppose we all carry some shade
Of that same feeling.
That's why we're here.
To share.

This site has been more than
Therapy to me.
It has been a home.
A sanctuary.

Some small, huge egos
Cry for fairness and attention,
Mouthing the three ugliest
Words I know:

But dark shapes in contrast
Create fulfilment within the art.
So what the hell, all balloons are
Mostly nothing but air. Anyway.

I hope I have inspired some.
I know I have made others feel
Neglected and unappreciated.
Well, it's a dance floor
Full of toes, and it's only human
To have a left leg or two.
Nothing's worth taking too
Seriously. I should know.
I have.

I'll still dance my heart out,
Laughing along with all others
That do. It's a Kindergarten
Universe. Play. Eat. Nap.

I thank you for every Follow.
Each and every Like and
Every Collaboration.
Every Unfollow.
Every Block.
A full life is full of everything.

We are all single humans. Yet
Not one is here alone.
There's poetry dancing in
Your every
There's life in every heart.

I love words.
I love life;
I love your every
We are here to love one another,
To procreate, love, teach, protect
and raise our progenies to be decent,
loving human beings.

All else is merely a distraction,
to our very purpose for existence.
It is really that simple.
 Oct 2014 Margaret
 Oct 2014 Margaret
On this day, a man has passed on.
Driven by an unknown demon Ryan Bartel committed suicide leaving his friends in a state of shock and confusion.

We love you Ryan and will miss you brother.
 Oct 2014 Margaret
 Oct 2014 Margaret
There was a time I saw...
The beckoning stars,
in your eyes, juvenescent.
Like beacons from afar.

There was a time I felt...
The burn of your lips.
The rush of crazed blood
that held in tight grips.

There was a time I inhaled...
your intoxicating scent.
Inciting cardiac somersaults
in a time long spent.

There was a time I thought...
We would last forever
through the last of grains.
Hourglass doomed to shatter.

There was a time I knew...
That nothing could ever alter,
same tune we have hummed,
words we've carved in each other.

There was a time I dreamt...
Of floating in your seas.
Your vast body enveloping,
drowning out my insecurities.

There was a time I worried...
for your dreams of grandeur.
When you spoke of seeking,
the dream of life much better.

There was a time I died...
When you had packed and gone.
Leaving only the broken
promises and empty dawns.

There was a time I hoped...
That sooner you'd be back.
Standing at my door,
beside you, your travel laden sack.

But now you're back...
The pain gnaws in greater bites.
The stars, they twinkle no longer
they were killed by the city lights.
Inspired by a story told by a friend.
 Oct 2014 Margaret
Mr X
9 W¤rd$
 Oct 2014 Margaret
Mr X
A beautiful mind is what makes a beautiful heart...
 Oct 2014 Margaret
Mr X
 Oct 2014 Margaret
Mr X
She was screaming so silently...
It made my heart ache.
 Oct 2014 Margaret
John Stevens
(c) 10-13-2014
The text message went like this:

Was thinking...
I'm so happy I’m married to you.

Said she.

You my Dear made me what I am today.  
Thank you. I am one happy guy.

Said he.

It resides on the phone as evidence
Of our life for forty seven years.
It has been on my mind abundantly
Of our love through the good times and tears.

We have held each other together
When our pieces began falling apart.
You have been my rock My Dear
From the moment we did start.

Cannot tell you enough My Dear
I am so grateful you are mine.
And I am yours forever My Dear
I will never, never, ever whine.

It has been said before:
*Love is patient,
love is kind.
It does not envy,
it does not boast,
it is not proud.
It does not dishonor others,
it is not self-seeking,
it is not easily angered,
it keeps no record of wrongs.
Love does not delight in evil
but rejoices with the truth.
It always protects,
always trusts,
always hopes,
always perseveres.
Love never fails.

This was worth a big hug.
A very big smile.
Some tears. (expected)
and much more.
I have been wanting
to do this a very long time.
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