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 Oct 2014 Margaret
I don't have any words left
in my mouth
Life has take it all away
I don't have any tears left
in my eyes
Life has take it all away
I could still
when life take it all away
everything that
I had
to the very last
to the very end
I'm a hole
I'm a hollow
I'm a ghost
I'm the undead
do not fear me
because I have nothing left.

October 9th, 2014. 09:25 p.m
 Oct 2014 Margaret
Ellie Shelley
Clicking heels make an almost deafening sound in the nearly empty front hallway. The bright florescent lights sending glaring light on the ***** linoleum tiles. The trophy case full of empty accomplishments and forgotten triumphs.
The few straggling students stumble in slowly shuffling to the attendance office for a pass. A few stop and ask for the time, what hour to go to, only to realize they have a full day ahead of them.
The gossip type chatter of the counselors drifts into the hallway, and you can sense that they need just as much counseling and bully prevention as the kids. The annoyed pessimistic voices of all the men and women in the office spill out like gusts of wind every time the door is opened.
The cold depressing feeling of this prison haunts, as the real physical cold of the building chills you. A girl crying runs into the counseling office only to be taken back out to talk about her problem in public.
The tisking of the janitor is overpowered by the smell of chemicals just being slopped onto door knobs and sloshed over fountains. The disapproving scowl of the assistant principal is directed at kids drudging through the halls aimlessly, but a voice of guidance is never heard.
The smell of cigarettes marrs not only the kids but the teachers and adults coming back in after going outside. The police officers stand joking by the front entrance.
But its all good, its just another day in Highschool.
 Oct 2014 Margaret
Poetic T
"Go on try it, you know you"
"Want too"
But I've been told its addictive
"Who told you that its not I have*
Done loads of times"
I feel ***** you do it first
"I have to concentrate"
Wait you've never done it*
What was with I have done it loads of times
"I had tried but chickened out"
Jesus your an idiot
I'll do it, you watch the door
"Its clear"
"Do it before someone see's"
Life is an ocean, of which
There are the
Who float along on life,
But the are those that
Is but a struggle
Treading water, as if a last breath
Was the last to breathe
The ocean of life can drag you under,
Always keep your head held high
And let you feet do the rest.  
"What was it like"
My mind is on a high
"Let me try"
I'm addicted after one hit,
Do you want a hit
"No I've changed my mind"
**"Words I think aren't my chosen high"
 Oct 2014 Margaret
Morgan B
Today I got my fantasy,
I no longer must wait.
I guess you could call that,
Falling in love too fast.
It was not what I expected.
Not the same person,
Not like the movies,
Not Ur expectations.
It's better.
I once told him please listen to this piece.
He asked why,
I told him that anything could change your life.
And that music changed mine.
That's what I love,
You have this feeling to always help them, and be with them.
I don't know what love is and won't know for a long time
But I'm gratefull to get a glimpse of it.
I read a book today
the words spoke to me
from a dream
into reality
or vice versa
I don't know.

I read a book today
the words were so pure
some with love
into fantasy
or fondest desires
I don't know.

I read a book today
words cut like a knife
filled with hate
and with despair
or pure agony
I felt it.

The book spoke to me
the words were vivid
someone else's life
poured out in ink
and made me wonder
somewhere inside
I needed to know.
 Oct 2014 Margaret
Morgan B
 Oct 2014 Margaret
Morgan B
How can somebody's exuberant words be so painful to me?
I was on my cloud
My heaven
My peak
I was racing through life with a grin and a soda
The hood down with my hair racing in the wind
The best time of my life should have started
I should have had it
I should
But I dont
A pain that hurts
I have never befoure felt this so strong
I'm loosing
I'm loosing speed
My hair is straight and there is no wind
While everyone passes me with a crazy funnel of happiness
I just don't get why
Why I cannot I have that
I guess I'll have to wait for my momentum to come.....
 Oct 2014 Margaret
Morgan B
Do you ever have this feeling?
One that doesn't feel right?
I woke this morning
The air was thick, as if trying to coat some secret
Even hard to breath
The ground was wet with the morning tears of the earth
This negative energy swarms me, stinging my entire body
The bus is silent
As if we were all drones, slaves to the thick air and wet earth
No smiles, no thoughts dancing in the eyes, not even a movement
The glumness I couldn't seem to grasp
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