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3.2k · Aug 2016
A Walk Along The Seashore
Maggie Sorbie Aug 2016
The salt marshes and mud flats
And a nice sea breeze
Lots of flowers
Lots of colours shapes and sizes
Prickly ones spiky ones round ones
Red Begonias
It was nice being on the seashore
We've been there several times before
2.2k · Sep 2016
The Refugee
Maggie Sorbie Sep 2016
I can float like a boat
And swim like a fish
But I cannot live in the sea
The land where I can stand
Is meant for me
Whose land?
Will it be?

Maggie Sorbie  Sept 25th 2016
1.7k · Sep 2016
Magic Moment
Maggie Sorbie Sep 2016
Sitting facing the
Lounge window
At Bingo
It had been a hot September day
Then it started to rain
Pouring down
And the sky became a pale pink
And the leaves a bronze brown
A beautiful moment
Captured by my mind in time
1.7k · Nov 2016
Burnished Coloured Leaves
Maggie Sorbie Nov 2016
As autumn turns into winter
And the sun is low in the sky
It is hard to believe
The beautiful color
As the last leaves fall
From the trees
1.2k · Apr 2019
Forget Me Nots
Maggie Sorbie Apr 2019
When I see
a forget-me-not
it makes me think
1.0k · Jan 2019
Maggie Sorbie Jan 2019
is still
to me
1.0k · Sep 2019
Noticing Autumn
Maggie Sorbie Sep 2019
Some people notice autumn
by the flowers dying down

Some people notice autumn
by flocks of birds flying 'round

Some people notice autumn
from the chill in the air

Some people notice autumn
when the trees become bare

Some people notice autumn
when leaves change colours on trees

Some people notice autumn
when their bodies begin to freeze
Maggie Sorbie Jan 2022
A drop of rain in the summertime
when the climate is hot
makes a blackbird sing
and petals of the flower open
for which my wifi isn't necessary
918 · Jun 2016
Outside My Windowpane
Maggie Sorbie Jun 2016
Outside my windowpane
It started to rain
Like a curtain descending
It grew dark
I thought: 'It will soak the ground
And freshen the air
For miles around'
As suddenly as it had started
It stopped
The sky colors changing hue
As the bright sun
Came back through
There must be a rainbow out there
Outside my windowpane

Maggie Sorbie  June 26th 2016
918 · Nov 2016
Castlerigg Stone Circle
Maggie Sorbie Nov 2016
Autumn view
Like being on top
Of the world
The stone circle
Fresh mountain air
This 'stone  circle' is near Keswick, Cumbria, UK
851 · Nov 2016
Climate Change?
Maggie Sorbie Nov 2016
The ground is damp
The sky is blue
The blackbird,
Could it really be nestbuilding
In November?
Maggie Sorbie May 2016
I spy bluebells in March, I think
The white snowdrops are wilting
And the yellow daffodils are blooming
As are the crocuses
In beautiful shades of purple and yellow
There is warmth in the sun
That my body welcomes
I have missed this

And you can tell it’s spring
When the birds are nesting
And the bees are buzzing
And the flowers are blooming
There is warmth in the sun
As we welcome it back here
To our hemisphere

Maggie      March 2016
794 · Aug 2018
A Special Day
Maggie Sorbie Aug 2018
A month after
our mother's ninetieth birthday
and a month before
my older sister
comes to Grasmere
to visit
we went to see
My daughters
Yoga Dragon Studio
In Lancaster
and it was truly wonderful
A quiet place
Light airy and spacious
Lord  Shiva dancing
and looking down
on yoga mats and
various sizes of
singing bowls
which were played
by my five -year-old
I was delighted to see
what my daughter
787 · Aug 2016
Maggie Sorbie Aug 2016
What grows in the hedgerows?
Elderflowers and nuts
Mushrooms and wild garlic
Raspberries and blackberrie
Rosehips and nettles
Among many other edible things
That we can pick and gather
Freely since time immemorial
Thank you Planet Earth
780 · May 2016
Maggie Sorbie May 2016
There were birds and there were bees
There were flowers and there were trees
Blowing in the breeze
There were brightly-coloured male pheasants
With sharp beaks
And camouflaged female pheasants
On the ground, all around
There were reed beds stretching
As far as the eye can see
They were there before the land
Was covered with forests
Now being given a hand by man
To protect the wildlife

720 · Feb 2019
My Granddaughter
Maggie Sorbie Feb 2019
She skipped and jumped her way
around one lap of the football pitch
squealing and whinnying
like a gazelle
and enjoying the fresh  air
712 · Jun 2016
The Shire Horse
Maggie Sorbie Jun 2016
He stood
In the hot sun
With his tournament-style
Heavy coat on

Did he have water
Or was he asleep
On his four feet?
We stood at the fence
To see if he was alright
"Do you want a carrot?"
Which he understood
And as we went to buy one
He showed us
That he did have water
And after we chucked
The carrots
Over the fence
He showed us that he liked them
By giving us a big smile

Maggie   June 6th 2016
680 · Jun 2016
The River At Sedgewick
Maggie Sorbie Jun 2016
What a transformation!
The river back within it's banks
Gently meandering
Children swimming
A grey heron spied fishing
Through the budding leaves
Unknown wildflowers on the ground
It was as if the winter floods
Hadn't happened

Maggie   Apr 20 2016
580 · May 2016
Maggie Sorbie May 2016
After such a wet winter

A pink cloud
Then a purple cloud
Not a white
Or a stormy cloud
Appeared before me
At the window
A sunset
A satellite
A single star
And a crescent moon

The beauty of which
Held me in awe

After such a wet winter

578 · Nov 2019
Maggie Sorbie Nov 2019
A note to my self
not to mingle
when the workmen's tools
are echoing

until they have gone
and the unsettling spell
is over and done
576 · Jul 2016
Why Am I ?
Maggie Sorbie Jul 2016
In the stillness of the morning air
The sound of rustling leaves in the trees
A quiet time to meditate and contemplate
On questions that man must have pondered upon
Down the ages
Who am I
And Why am I?

Maggie Sorbie  June 26th 2016
572 · May 2019
Maggie Sorbie May 2019
"A Mars a day
helps you
work rest and play"
so they say
Leave time
to play
525 · Jan 2019
Stones and Shadows
Maggie Sorbie Jan 2019
We headed north to Keswick
for a change
to go to the stone circle
at Castlerigg
We hadn't been there in some time
As it started to get dark
the shadows from the stones
became parallel
geese flew above in formation
low flying jets circled around
low to the ground
There was a wonderful awareness
or the meeting
or ancient and modern
524 · Nov 2018
Maggie Sorbie Nov 2018
This morning
Maggie was unsure
about what she could

She says that
imports are important
as she chews another
from Argentina

and sips on a coffee
with an anonymous

with sugar
from somewhere
and milk
from a cow
in The Eden Valley

For which I am thankful
(And "she" is me!)
519 · Mar 2022
I Don't Understand
Maggie Sorbie Mar 2022
I don't understand computers
technology, mobile phones-
things that are not tangible
I do understand
nature's cycle
like the journey leaves undergo
from falling off
in the autumn
in the springtime
as buds and blossoms,
migrations and hibernations
of birds and animals,
all interdependent
on each other
and their environment
475 · Apr 2017
chocolate buddies
Maggie Sorbie Apr 2017
Sat in  the flat

On the door I heard a tap

Cadbury chocolate appears

It must be thursday

Andrew's here.......

Thinking what to do

I thought I'd show him a poem or two

Looking aound

The poems we found

We had a look

but they were not in a book

On line they were

The words on the screen were there

Maggie said Lets make a rhyme

Andrew answered
Yes that will be fine

Some words from you

A few bits from me

Now it is time

For a cup of tea
431 · Feb 2018
Maggie Sorbie Feb 2018
An early spring this year
Zillions of Snowdrops
intermingling amongst
Crocuses and Daffodils

A delight for our eyes
424 · Apr 2019
Maggie Sorbie Apr 2019
is in the air
wild flowers appearing
Wood Sorrell
and violets
and wild garlic
which you can
chop up
and put into eggs

A rabbit leapt
across the road
and lots of lambs
are frolicking
in the fields
which are
unbelievably green
at the moment
412 · Feb 2019
Maggie Sorbie Feb 2019
I am truly thankful
for the kindness
of some strangers
and friends
411 · Apr 2019
Maggie Sorbie Apr 2019
The pink cherry blossom petals
don't make a sound
as they reach
the ground
400 · Sep 2019
Autumn Observations
Maggie Sorbie Sep 2019
While sitting
at the side entrance,
the oak tree
towering above me,
I could see
the golden leaves
in the sunlight

Looking down
I saw a robin
and a dragonfly
on a blue hydrangea bush

is definitely
on its way
391 · May 2016
A Beautiful Day
Maggie Sorbie May 2016
We walked along
The lakeshore
Flying Canadian geese we saw
And bluebells galore
Anchors were clanking
The waves were lapping

The lake shimmered
In the warm sun
And the big oak trees
Gave us shade

The marshland
Had yellow flowers
That we did not know
The name of
And we enjoyed
Sitting by the water
Eating ice cream
In such a peaceful setting

Maggie  May16 2016
365 · May 2016
Chester's For Lunch
Maggie Sorbie May 2016
We went to Chester's for lunch
Yummy and veggy
And we thought there couldn't be
A better place to eat

It was like a tree house
The water was trickling
Over the stepping stones
And the bright sun bounced
Off the water
Through the dappling leaves

And on the other side of the river
The lime green shiny leaves were
Reflected in the water

For a moment I thought I saw a ******
It was truly magical to see
360 · Sep 2016
Yippee Aye Yea
Maggie Sorbie Sep 2016
The rustling leaves carried in the breeze
As the sun began to shine
And dried up all the rain
So we can go out to play
At the end of the school day
Yippee Aye Yay
347 · Jul 2019
Maggie Sorbie Jul 2019
When the ground freezes
its surely good
to find shelter
and the flare of a fire
to keep us nice and warm
347 · Aug 2019
Pending A Repair
Maggie Sorbie Aug 2019
We found one slug
in my bathroom
This doesn't seem
hygienic to me
I wish the workmen
would hurry up
and do their job
putting a new floor
and drain in
They've been looking
and contemplating
without actually
doing it

They give me the heeby jeebies
332 · Nov 2017
Autumn Leaves
Maggie Sorbie Nov 2017
The golden leaves are still shimmering
in the autumn breeze
331 · Aug 2016
Maggie Sorbie Aug 2016
My mother and I
Sat on the settee
Where I was happy to be
I saw twizzling butterflies in the air
And blue **** two of them in a pair
Mum saw a man up in a tree
In the next door garden to me
It was good to be there
With my mum
Because I love her
And she is the best mum
In the whole wide world

Maggie Sorbie  August 2016
330 · May 2016
Window View
Maggie Sorbie May 2016
The leaves are blowing
Around on the ground
The tall trees are swaying
In the breeze

I am thankful
For the dry and windy day
Giving the rain water
A chance to flow away


Feb 22 2016 Windermere
326 · Apr 2017
The Bouncing Bridge
Maggie Sorbie Apr 2017
The bridge is still bouncy
The water calm and clear
Horses’ hoofprints churned the grass
Bright yellow star-shaped Celandine
Bluebells and Wood Sorrel
Shoals of fish
Delighting people
322 · Feb 2017
Cheering Up
Maggie Sorbie Feb 2017
Cheering Up On  A Wintry  Day    

Gazing at the grazing sheep
And our feathered friends
Flying in flocks
On  a wet wild and wintry day

Feeling peaceful
When I returned home
For the first time in ages

Maggie Sorbie
January 2017
316 · Feb 2018
Sunshiny Day
Maggie Sorbie Feb 2018
Nice bright
sunshiny day
melting the snow
from far away
315 · Oct 2019
Fresh Air (Haiku)
Maggie Sorbie Oct 2019
Raindrops on the grass
I went out to pick a flower
The fresh air felt good
315 · Jun 2019
Being Aware
Maggie Sorbie Jun 2019
Our children's future counts
We'll have to look after
our planet
so it can
look after us
314 · Oct 2019
Haircut Haiku
Maggie Sorbie Oct 2019
Will she or won't she
come and cut my hair today
Still wondering when
313 · Oct 2016
My Ball
Maggie Sorbie Oct 2016
I love my rubber ball
It makes me stand up nice and tall
I can throw it
I can catch it
I can bounce it
I can follow it
I can pass it
I can share it
I can kick it
And in so doing
I can learn from it
That's why I love my rubber ball
308 · Oct 2019
Autumn Leaves
Maggie Sorbie Oct 2019
The mustard coloured leaves
shine golden in the sun and the breeze
soon to fall to the ground
and join others strewn around
Maggie Sorbie Sep 2017
Phosphorus in water
Babies and Bubbles
Raindrops and rainbows
294 · Nov 2016
Maggie Sorbie Nov 2016
A large land
The Atlantic Ocean
I don't want to go
293 · Jun 2017
Maggie Sorbie Jun 2017
was a better day
to see my son
sitting in
the sushine
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