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 Mar 2019 Madi
Broken Minded
 Mar 2019 Madi
The tragedy is
there's a prison in my mind
all the thoughts that lurk there
are ones I wish were never mine
they etch into my heart
the scars I wear so bright

They whisper wicked stories
of things that never happened
or maybe things that did
things that shouldn't create ripples
in the current in my life
but here I lay in bed
stuck awake at night
eyes cutting blankly
through the nothingness of my cold and dark bedroom
 Feb 2019 Madi
Caitlyn Fletcher
 Feb 2019 Madi
Caitlyn Fletcher
I only wish my first love would have been myself
 Feb 2019 Madi
 Feb 2019 Madi
No one loves you
No one wants you
Where do you go now?
Maybe a place with a different language

There was love once
But it seems so distant

In this place love died
Lovers who came here all died
And now it's your turn
 Feb 2019 Madi
Wishful Skies
 Feb 2019 Madi
Roses by your grave
I guess I'm just a bit depressed
Hiding shadows in my eyes
My heart's put to the test

I only saw the side of you that always tried her best
Captured in the pictures still living on my phone
Your smile has this liveliness
It puts breath inside my chest

You were better than this world
So you left it all behind
On that Monday morning, you climbed up to the sky
Leaving me to live
In the memory of you and I

— The End —