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People Are Afraid Of What
They Simply Do Not Understand.
Jonathan Kent Quotes. Man of Steel.
 Jul 2015 Storm of fellings
Falling in love with him
is as easy as falling asleep
to his beating heart
while I'm covered
inside his locking arms
How am I coping with it? But I’m not coping with it! I’m only… living with it. Day after day after day..?

What gives me most pain? The messages. Going through them. Asking myself what happened there. I don’t understand

What gives you relief? Time. I like when it passes.

What else do you like? I like being busy. I like drawing in my book. I like Sufi music. I like.. *forgetting!
You are the sweetest of my torments.
You're the tangible torture of citrus
The bite followed by the ****
Fresh and unbearable in the same instance

You're the lemon zest scent;
Sultry, as I quarter fruit
In my hot summer kitchen.
You're the juice in the cut
As the knife knicks my thumb;
The sweetness meeting the wild coppery tang
of blood in my mouth.

You're in the twist in my chest
That exists somewhere between my heart and my stomach
Both organs being wrenched apart...
When I see your picture
And remember that we haven't spoken in months.
Like my poetry? Toss a penny or two my way ;-)
My very most honest mistake

Is that

    **I loved you
Walls are not meant to keep others out,
but to keep yourself in.

— The End —