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 Nov 2015 Lizzie
 Nov 2015 Lizzie
When your riches
Are measured in shades of green,
the rainbow is never as bright.

When you spend your time
Looking down on others,
You miss the beauty of the stars.

When you count your coffers
Not your blessings
Infinity is but a dream.
 Nov 2015 Lizzie
left with a bang
 Nov 2015 Lizzie
i don't know
if this is me
just overreacting,
the only reason it scares me
when the wind causes my bedroom door to slam shut,
is because
i'm deeply afraid
i'll get used to the sound of people leaving.
 Nov 2015 Lizzie
8:37 AM.
 Nov 2015 Lizzie
every time I see your name appear within my notifications it makes me question whether it's really worth worrying about. the thought of you actually caring is foreign but...

*why not?
they made my day better last night and it was **** day until that idiot and their stupid texts brightened up my mood
 Nov 2015 Lizzie
I don't know you
I don't know how you feel right now
or how you feel about the current state of the nation
I don't know how you like your coffee
or whether you prefer drip over pressed
I don't know the lyrics to your favorite songs
or if you like progressive rock or indie
I don't know your favorite restaurant
or if your prefer Chinese takeout and fast food
I don't know where your next adventure will be
or if you prefer to stay at home
I don't know if you like mayonnaise
or whether you like mustard on your hot dog sandwich
I don't know what you think about in the shower
or what you think about when you're washing the dishes
I don't know what keeps you up at night
or if you're the kind of person who falls asleep right away
I don't know your deepest most vulnerable secrets
or your hopes and dreams and your crazy ideas
what I do know is your heart
and maybe they tell you you have no feelings
that you can't be moved or touched
but I know that not showing them
doesn't mean you don't have them at all
we have the same heart and that's okay
everything will be okay.
I don't know about this poem but it felt good writing it.
 Nov 2015 Lizzie
 Nov 2015 Lizzie
Somedays I wonder,
How it all came out to this
Was it the ring of the chamber
The echo of the glass,
Emptied and dry,
Your wine red as his blood,
Both left oceans of rooms,
They left for fear of drowning,
I have not yet sailed off,
Stuck in this fish tank
With no air left
 Nov 2015 Lizzie
The anatomy of my country,
I am learning to understand the rivers
I know they are the veins that flow to the heartland
This heart, lying somewhere in Nebraska
Where the land is wide and golden, it pumps in tune
The hands of New York or Los angeles,
The ones that have touched so much and love far too well,
They give and they take and give back again,
So much to hold far too much to feel,
These legs lying somewhere in florida or Arizona
I do not know if it is the tropics of the desert heat
But they know the way the world moves,
The head lies somewhere in north Dakota
Such a sound mind, for she knows what she wants,
Such shoulders of Seattle or Maine,
whispering to the rest of the body some cry for remembrance,
Way up there in the cold of december,
The inner thigh of Louisiana,
Such excitement and wonder,
Let me touch it for a little while welcomed me in,
The between of Texas, The ribs of Maryland or Virginia,
A stomach lies in Missiouri,
The lungs of Wyoming
All pumping themselves back to heartland
The rivers know their way,
The excess of my love has run off to the atlantic
Poured itself into the pacific,
I am caressing the carolinas,
The anatomy of my country.
Has taught me the love of the plains
and the wonder to touch the oceans,
She is everything, She is always,
And she is teaching me the difference
 Nov 2015 Lizzie
I've become a love drunk poet,
Drinking myself to sleep with the thought of you,
Knowing that waking up beside you
Is the best kind of burning in my chest,
The most reverent of hellos
To be tangle amongst your limbs
This gift wrapped knot of affection
This was written while you dreamed
Your head close to mine,
Your breath in these words
Finishing off the sentences
With the fluttering of your eyes
And that smile of morning
nothing but butterflies buried in my gut
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