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 Apr 2014 Jules
 Apr 2014 Jules
There is a girl who I wish I was.
she has a vase of dying daisies next to her bed
and she has holes in the bottom of her boots
but imperfection is beauty
She has learned to live with what she has.
She has learned to forget what she doesn’t.

There is no such thing as negativity
or a word to speak bad about someone else
she has learned to accept.
she dreams through a field of flowers and blue sky
that goes on forever
and she understands the concept of time
present only lasts for so long
present will eventually fade into future
and past can be forgotten or remembered
Things heal.
Things get better.

She empties her pockets of change on the street
and never asks or expects anything back
because she knows how to care about others
more then herself
knows what struggle is
and she puts pity to a perspective
of making a difference

She sees herself as no better then anyone else
she measures giving and happiness
on a scale of equality
and she doesn’t keep track of how much help she has given
because she always has more to give
So there will never be a final total

She woke up late this morning
and she bashed her toe in the door
and she slipped on the sidewalk
and she forgot her books
and to eat breakfast
and everything has gone the wrong way.

But everybody struggles.
and complaints are meaningless words
to fill the space
they are ****** up by people
and build habits of unhappiness
in a place of unsatisfaction
things can always be worse.

She has learned to live with what she has.
She has learned to forget what she doesn’t.
She has learned to forgive and giveback.
Everyday there will be a sunrise
and a sunset
and the hours in-between
and after dark
will end.
They will not be wasted.
 Apr 2014 Jules
 Apr 2014 Jules
self harm is not beautiful.
it is not wonderful to be saved
it makes you feel weak
and it makes you feel sick.

carving his name into your skin
is not poetry
and is not romance

mental illness is not glamourous
or fascinating
or graceful

mental illness is sickness
anger, disgust

stop romanticizing something
that destroys life itself
 Apr 2014 Jules
A Coming Day
 Apr 2014 Jules
There is coming a day
When all knees shall bow
And all disbelief go away
As we worship our King
In His glorious throne,
And the Bride with the ring
Put back on her finger.
Romans 14:11 - It is written: "'As surely as I live,' says the Lord, 'every knee will bow before me; every tongue will acknowledge God.'"
Christ the living saviour
Once died upon the cross
He willingly gave his life
For men like us , Lost

He was tortured , beaten, mocked
Then nailed upon the tree
This great pain he endured
For men like you and me

Upon the cross he hung
A spear ****** into his side
Father please forgive them
Are words our saviour cried

A crown of painful thorns
Was pressed upon his head
His blood flowed down his body
Till the saviour at last was dead

A thief hung on his left
A thief hung on his right
When Christ gave up the ghost
The day was turned to night

Placed into a borrowed tomb
His body laid as if it were froze
Then just as he had promised
On the third day he arose

With victory over death
He came forth from the grave
With victory over death
That men through faith in him be saved

He showed himself to many
Then to heaven he did ascend
An angel said to those present
This same Christ you shall see again

To the earth he shall return
The words written they are true
Christ he is coming back
For men like me and you
 Apr 2014 Jules
 Apr 2014 Jules
If only we lived in a  movie
In a cute little flat
That our lives and love revolved around
I think I'd like that

I'd walk through the door
And kiss your smiling face
You'd hold me tight
In a warm embrace

In the living room
There'd always be calm Beatles music playing
And to those songs
We'd be romantically swaying

In the bedroom we'd lie
Intetwined beneath white sheets so thin
Sunlight streaming through the window
Warming our bare skin

In that bed
We could make sweet, tender love
Or maybe cuddle, or just kiss
Or all of the above

In the kitchen I'd stand
Making pancakes on a sunny sunday morn
You'd stand behind me with your arms around my waist
Messy bedhead your face will adorn

You'd strum your guitar
And sing me my favourite songs
And you'd know I can't sing
So I'd just hum along

Maybe we'd have a cat
And we could name her Nyx
And we can make vows to love eachother
Upon the River Styx

This place could be a safe haven
For just me and you
No one would bother us
For it was just built for two

We could have all of this
And maybe even more,
If only you didn't see me
As just a silly little girl
I honestly almost titled this one "this could be us but you playin" but I decided against it. I think this is one I'm proudest of so far
 Apr 2014 Jules
Q Carson
It’s the place we live
A place of treachery
A place of trembling hope
And sorrow

A place where centuries of salty tears
Have cried the oceans high
Where the pines, the redwoods, and the oaks
Have fled high to the skies—learning from their earthly mistakes

I want to know it all
But I know I never will
And I want to feel strong
But a feeble human existence can never fulfill

And when the thorn ******
That’s when I’ll feel pain
But to the pain I feel when I lose you
Every few months-it is nothing

You were here on the first day
And we know-- and He knows
You wont be here for the last
But I hope you will be, for the talks in between

We don’t really talk about it
Instead we talk to talk intelligently
And I like that
And you like that

And that is why we’re the same
I wonder when I’ll have faith
Perhaps, when you have faith
Have faith in me and have trust in my words

Sorrys spread themselves wide—too wide
With every rise of the sun and turn of the tide
Despite the try, despite a determination of independence
They are taken

I worry I lack some sympathy
For I did not cry the day I heard
But you do not cry on the days you die
And you die for quite a few of them

Do you know who knows?
Or do you not care
Does it matter?
For me, it does, and you know, and he knows, and she knows

I scoffed the day I heard you believed
I laughed that I figured you a man of reason
You said you could be both
I still scoff

When I shall count the stars
When I shall breathe evenly
When I shall free the butterflies from the pits of me
That’s when I shall—when I shall free you of the blame

I know you deny it
And you may right not deserve it
But when I’ve read of all the little live things
We too, will be alive

Do you count your lucky stars
Or do you rest assured
I call the arrogance a bluff
I call it today—for tomorrow

The blanket of grey
Which comforts me so nicely
Will always remain a compliment
A compliment, remembered, and not deserved

It’s a humbling experience to realize
Not one idea you will think
Will ever be

And it’s a disappointment to realize
Some ideas
Ideas of others
You will never even think

In that I call injustice
But no one will make it just
And I will rest aside
Quiet… less than robust

My existence is frightening
So is yours
So is his, so is hers
Though arrogance makes for a fantastic façade

And we’re all incredibly concerned
That today will be lost before we have achieved something--anything
Yet too distracted by tomorrow
We fulfill the prophecy, and yes, we lose today

Pride is a thing to tussle with
I want to be proud, but more so, I want you to be proud
Of me
We’ve been told to not be so proud

To be humble and oh so very honest
Though those before me have proved, time, time again
That to be anyone and to get anywhere,
Humility just won’t do

And that’s the juxtaposition I live
The contradiction I’ll never escape
How to make it all of worth
While upholding a worth of self

Your mood changes with the moon
And I try not to mind
For I know that mine
Is as steady as the tides—not very
 Apr 2014 Jules
I am
 Apr 2014 Jules
I don't want to be anyone else
there is only one me
I might not be your favorite person
but that is who I will be

I am amazing
I'm amazing because I believe it
I can see it

I am beautiful
and I know I am because I have a mirror
anyone who says I'm ugly needs to see better

I am smart
I know this because I know about amazing things
and I am as smart as I can physically be

I am me
 Apr 2014 Jules
Darling, you overcharge my battery
One smile and my brain was jolted alive
this isn't just some surreptitious flattery
but you make me so happy I could cry
Tonight I am invincible. And I have you to thank for that.
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