Dear love,
Isn’t there a better way for you to force yourself upon me?
Why must you be so painful?
Why is it necessary to **** me slowly, or to push me to the edge where I’ll simply do it for you?
Thanks to you, I love you is now an agonizing phrase,
Thanks to you, I fall in love so much easier,
Thanks to you, I’m not eating,
Thanks to you, I’m not sleeping so well,
Thanks to you, I’m questioning my self-worth,
Thanks to you, I see his face in everything, I hear his laugh in everything, I hear his voice, telling me it’ll be okay
But it won’t
Thanks to you, I’m in love with someone who couldn’t possibly love me
Thanks to you, I’m overdosing on Painkillers to numb the pain.
Thanks to you, I’m dying slowly.
Whoever said love was beautiful?