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CJ Flynn
Iowa    I've written some poem's I was an editor of my high school poetry magazine. I am still active in the arts community.
Major Rity
29/F/Germany    just curious . 'Oh man this is really living. So just try and relax, yeah cool it. Fall apart in my backyard The bare necessities …
Sarah Richardson
25/F/Toronto    Thoughts on my experience.
25/F/Manila    the cracks on the floor won't be fixed by words
M/Oregon    “Process is the language of progress.” — Audrey Lorde
F/I wander    I use poetry to cope
J Nc
44/M/Arkansas    Sonrisa ahora, grito tarde...
Roxas City, Philippines   
22/Gender Nonconforming/South Africa   
Olaleye Gift Emmanuel
22/M/Ogun State, Nigeria.    #El_Magnifico™ is a pseudonym for Olaleye Gift Emmanuel. He is the Author of "Soft Echoes(2020)" and "The Sustaining Cup(2020)". He was nominated for the "Chrysolite …
Shadiya Zubair
19/F/India    "Let the lyrics of life be rhymed in your own unique flamboyant style" : ). Me trying to explore the lyrics of my life to …
25/F    Trying to put words together
Tracy Malloy
a native of Santa Fe before the stars lost in my own head most days aging waywardly I have lived on both coasts and can …
Kagey Sage
Rochester, NY   
32/M/Kerry, Ireland    If you like the words, schemes and how they twist and tangle and create imagery in your mind, follow me.
26/F/My Castle    Read the poems and you'll know.
24/F/Texas    I'm a young adult is trying to get along with life
Dr Zik
M/Pakistan    I am a writer, poet, and inventor of Zikorean English Poetry and an introducer of short poetic forms: Ziket, Zikelite, Zinet, Zinelite, and Zeelite along …
P E Kaplan
Belfast, Maine    A contemplative, a leery decision maker, a curious bystander ready for connection. Still working on self-acceptance, self-awareness and self-love. The writing, yes, the writing, allows …
Shadow Wolf
25/M/Longview    I will forever fight for you. I may be broken but I will never fall, Ill always fight for you. For now I will start …
Nicole Joanne
24/F    Writing- it's different. I can hold a conversation for days through writing, but talking? I struggle to speak even a single word. All material on …
Barbod Gif
Earth    Trying everything...from music to poetry to writing to photography
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