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 Jan 2015 Leo Cunio
Ill be back,
In like a hour or two,
I'm going to go for,

a "walk"
 Jan 2015 Leo Cunio
Eat dinner,
Yeah its great,
Go to your room,
Go to the bathroom,
Run the water because your washing your face,
And as you shove your fingers down your throat you cry,
When everything you ate comes up,
And your body feels okay again,
Walk out like nothing happened in smile,
 Jan 2015 Leo Cunio
I think they do it to toy with me,
They haven't said,
Anything about it,
And is all happy,
Its going by well,
Why say anything,
I'll just keep quiet,
Thank god!
 Jan 2015 Leo Cunio
Sending me away,
Don't "help me"
It hurts me more,
Like you don't want me,
Think I'm crazy,
Don't care,
I'm not going anywhere,
That's a promise,
And I WILL fight back
 Jan 2015 Leo Cunio
She is slowly,
Slow slipping away,
And there for I,
I am slowly dying,
They are slowly taking her away,
Yet she don't see it,
Me seeing her,
Her cry kills me,
Because I could,
Could brake into tears,
As well but,
I have to stay strong for her,
I love you,
And I'm sorry..
 Jan 2015 Leo Cunio
Her eyes so beautiful,
Just like the sea,
But that wasn't all,
Behind those,
The tears fall,
Secrets no one,
At all could know,
Scars that are hidden,
Deep down,
If you look,
At the girl I am,
It's not really me..
The monster inside is attacking me,
No one sees,
The girl that I could really be..
 Jan 2015 Leo Cunio
 Jan 2015 Leo Cunio
i am to be writing a letter to myself for me to open on my graduation day... 1603 days from now.
i dont even want to... but i know that i should.
im just scared to read it on my graduation day and be like, oh wow all this pain has stayed with me for four years... but i want to because there is an inkling that i could read it and feel, wow im glad that i am happier.
to write the letter, or to not...
 Jan 2015 Leo Cunio
The water shimmering ripples in the moonlight,
The sky reflecting visions we have seen,
The meadows are concealing our secrets,
And the memories behind the screen,
All the traces have still survived,
On the roads we have ever been.

The misty morning brought us closer,
With your scent still clung to me,
The alarmĀ  ring would remind me,
That you were lying next to me,
In the light,the sun would call us to see,
The twinned souls we craved to be.

And everyday, our road would split in two,
Along the distinct patterns and routes we chose,
Miles away we go momentarily,
Yet the petals of the same rose,
Our lives unperturbed by the silence in-between,
And the adios has been our transient dose.

Because i have always believed,
Not much the whispers, nor the feelings enclosed,
But the words in the palinode,
Echoing ,"You are the shadow walking through me,
Traveling with me. Traveling back to me."
 Jan 2015 Leo Cunio
Not a glimpse of light ,
Not a part of a day,
Not a smile at night,
Muzzling the grunt, he veiled his dismay.

Hear the howl of a wolf,
Hear the hoot of an owl,
Hear the weep of a man,
Anguish and pain , they all swallow away.

With the course of darkness,
With the fiends inside,
With the hateful sights,
And a firm handshake with the plight , they hit the hay.

Can't a dingy room transform to a beacon of light?
Can't the cold happiness find me on its way?
Can't this seclusion help me breathe one more day?
And the concealed shadow, can i embrace you again?
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