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Laura El-Alam Jul 2020
One day,
As I woke from my slumber,
I saw my thoughts before me
Transform into tiny yellow birds.

And as I saw them
Flying out my window,
Soaring into the big blue,
I knew they were never mine.

For birds roam as they please,
Rest where they feel,
Fly away when they need.

I did not fret though, while the sun warmed my skin,
for I knew where to search when I needed them.

Right there, on your window sill.
Looking at you rise from your sleep,
Singing love songs in your ear.

My yellow birds are not mine,
For they have always been yours.
far apart
yet i feel you with me
in my thoughts.
Laura El-Alam Jul 2015
Because you always seem to waste
my last breath,
on your first puff
of a newly lit cigarette.

And that,
kind of hurts my breathing,
kind of hurts my heart.
Laura El-Alam Jul 2015
Oh, how the sun approached the moon,
a thousand times to kiss him.
And, how the moon allowed her,
knowing, she will burn him,
again and again.

Now we know,
why the moon carries craters all over his face.
why he never hides them.
Laura El-Alam Jul 2015

He fell for the red on her cigarette,
Her breath on floating dandelions,

The eyelash on her cheek,
The stretchmarks on her thighs,

The little hairs on her belly,
The way her eyebrows don't perfectly match,

The way she loved dogs more than children,
The way she stares at tree leaves swaying.

He fell for her as a whole
Not the way others had before,

And she, did not care.
She constantly fell in the sea

Of arms, that has haunted
Since her eyes began to see lust.

Drowning endlessly,
Knowing he would send her a lifeboat.
Laura El-Alam Jul 2015
she walked in behind him,
floating like the small dandelions that flew
as she blew them kisses,
leaving her breath on each one.

she touched each side of the hallway walls,
with an echo that screamed
'I'm Here'

she left her mark
on every crack, every corner
hoping that he'd turn around,
simply notice, and say
"so am I"
Laura El-Alam May 2015
For the child never gave up.
He always followed the rainbow on rainy days,
imagined angels sprinkling freckles on his skin.
He believed in the magic of Jack's beans,
he saw the purity in flowers,
he listened to seashells,
he cherished his mother's smell
and saw his father fly.
But she, now all grown up, knew that hope fades,
rainbows are not real,
freckles are moles,
Jack is just a fairytale,
flowers die,
seashells do not speak,
her mother's smell faded
and her father's wings broke.
There is no place for hope in a world. where love is rarely seen.
Maybe when the sun wakes up,
Hope will too.
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