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Aug 2017 · 378
Lane Care Aug 2017
My biggest fear when I get older
Is that my kid will get bullied.
No one knows what truly goes on
In a kid mind.

So, how will I counsel them through it?
How can I be their support system,
To make sure that suicide isn't their only option?

I think I would share with them MY story,
Let them know that Mommy had also been bullied....

And then we would go from there.
Jul 2015 · 637
Daddy Problems
Lane Care Jul 2015
I have daddy problem
I wake up fatherless like
Every other African American
Child out there.
Most kids
know where there father is.
They either in jail, remarried or in the cementary.
For me,
I have no idea
Where my old man is.
To be honest,
I really don't give a ****
Most kids hate there father,
They don't give 2 ***** about
I don't hate my father.
He was never there.
So it feels like I never really
Knew him.
How can you expect me to
Barely have feelings for a man that was barely there
To begin with,
And how can I hate a man
That didn't do nothing
But leave me and my mother
To struggle.
He abandon us,
It's his lost.
I got use to him not being
Here that he became nonexisting.
When I see pictures,
I can't really identify him.
All I see is some stranger that's in all my baby pics.
To get myself through the day
I tell myself he was only a
Temporary sitter.
His service was temporary,
His stay was only temporary,
After his deadline it was time for him to skedaddle.
A couple visitation until I was
8 then he became gone with the wind and never came around again.
I have daddy problems?
Nah, I'm fine.
My mom play both roles and I'm ok with that.
Yes times get hard
But there's nothing I can do
About it.
Just live each day as I can.
Forget a father figure.
I'm doing just fine with out him.
Nov 2014 · 2.1k
Poem For Justice
Lane Care Nov 2014
Justice for all?
**** near justice for none!
People die everyday,
Because the world can't control their guns
Innocent people die in vain.
If the police do a crime,
Is it ok?
They are suppose to set an example!
If a citizen does a crime,
Is it ok? Is it acceptable?
Do we really have to get arrested?
Cops **** people that seem like a threat.
An innocent person,
An innocent child dies,
Because cops are on some dumb ****!
They feel as though,
Since they're white or the "law"
They can get away with ****!!
If every arrogant ******* did that
Then we might as well
segregate the world
And bring the KKK back.
If we was on that racist *******,
Martin Luther King's dream
Will go down the drain
And the Constitution "establish justice,"
Will now become disdain.
Freedom at last?
More like freedom has past.
Where is the justice we deserve?!
If we keep this up,
We will become,
"land of the coward
and home of the *****"
Or "home of the *******,
That shoot you on the spot
And dont give a **** whos watching!"
Teens die without getting there justice,
And im not talking about,
The ******* teens who *******,
But the ones where they're all
Set for school on monday
And get shot in the head
Before the next morning!
If the govenmrnt is all about education,
Then why are we getting shot
By their racist?!
Where is our justice?
Should we just forget about it
And move on?
I cant sit here
And let our justice be taken
While those *******
Are getting away with ******!!
Im sorry mike
Your justice havent been served.
I pray to god
Those sick ******* get what they deserve!
No family should suffer from their lost
Like they do.
Justice will come,
For those who lost it all.
Nov 2014 · 877
I Love You
Lane Care Nov 2014
I love you...
Im not just saying it so it can be spoken
but im saying it to be heard
dont misinterpret my feelings
cuz i mean what i said and i said that i love you.
Give me a minute to explain my feelings for you
cuz you are worth it.
Babygirl Just give me one chance
to make this whole love thing
be an experiance that you been longing for,
thats worth it,
that you been searching for.
ughhh i know your ex wasnt the best
they hurt and misused you,
how could someone make u feel so low
that u become use to it?
Hurt and decieved
lied and mistreated
are feelings u felt
when they walked up and just cheated
or walked up and just left you
standing there all alone
not knowing what to do,
not knowing what to feel,
not knowing who to trust,
just leaving u there with the feeling of hurt.
If words ment something
I would tell u that i love you
and that i will give you the happiness
that u deserve
gaining your trust
not making you feel all alone
in the cold
not knowing where else to go
cuz like i said
your ex wasnt the best
and im not saying im perfect
cuz i will make mistakes too
but i promise
I will never give up on you
baby just know that i got you
Nov 2014 · 1.9k
But It's Something(Freedom)
Lane Care Nov 2014
Freedom is a word
that makes you think
of the past,
where freedom was trying to be a word,
that everybody needed,
that everybody wanted,
but did we get it?
We had to struggle and fight for it.
With all that work,
we didnt get much.
All we got was:
"Freedom is the state of being free."
Well its better than nothing,
atleast we got something.
Freedom is the state of being free,
freedom is to be free,
freedom is to fight for things that are not free.
Freedom is the state of being free,
freedom is the state of being free...
Its not much,
but its something
Aug 2014 · 2.9k
Society Why
Lane Care Aug 2014
How come everytime i turn around
People are worried about others opinion?
How come everytime i turn around
People are dying
Dying cuz they are scared to be themselves
Scared cuz the world is soo cruel
Losing all hope
Dont know what else to do..
Society why
Why Do you implant things in our head
Making us believe
What seem soo real
But its oh so fake
Making us blind
And feeding us with soo many lies
Sociey why
Why are you doing this to us
Taking what we love and live for
To give us something thats filled
With so much hate
Giving us our only option
To give up and die
We have no hope
Society why
Do you make use feel soo little
When we mean so much
Making this world a death trap
We die either way it go
If we dont **** ourselves
Then the world do
Our only safety
Is away from humanity
We shouldnt have to feel
Or live like that
Society why
Do you pay more attention to the rich
And ignore all the poor
Its like a war
Rich against poor
How much more bull
Can we take?
Society why
Are you hiding soo much history
And leaving parts of our brain so empty
Making us believe
What you want us to believe
You try to make us seem dumb
So that no one can "Rebell" against you?
Society is ****** up
Just like the government is
Society why
Are you doing this to us
What happen to peace?
Or love?
Or forming a better union?
All the past activist
Will be very disappoint in you
please give us a break
I dont know how much more people
Can handle
Giving us limited options
Society is a comedian
And the biggest joke is us.
Jul 2014 · 1.1k
Be Orginal
Lane Care Jul 2014
Be orginal
Be you
Love thy self
And be true
Yourself is real
Yourself is cool
Yourself is beautiful
F*ck all the haters
Who try to destroy you
You're orginal
And thats good
You're living life...
For you
Dont please no one else
Besides you
Cause at the end of the day...
Nobody has you
Like you
Uplifting poem for those who lost hope or for those who try to be everything else but them selves. So please get this poem out there
Mar 2014 · 1.3k
Suicide Thoughts
Lane Care Mar 2014
Those thoughts in your head,
Came from people who dont understand
They came at you with comments,
That had you sad for a moments
Then you thought and questioned
"Am i really this much of a disappointment?"
You act all confused and try to
ignore all the stuff,
They said to you
You try to be strong,
But it's hard when those comments
start to follow you
Tears run down your face,
you start to believe everything they say
Sitting and bawling in a corner
The words-Gay, fat, ****, *****,etc.- start to linger in your head
You find a razor....
You tell you yourself no,
but the razor seems to tell you "you deserve it give everyone what they want and just do it!"
You press down on your skin
Seeing the blood,
Seems to ease the pain
And all those comments seem to fade away
Then you think about what your family may think..
So you cut again
You got so ****** the first time
That cutting become your addiction
Like drugs take away people pain
Cutting took away yours
When you get addicted theres no stopping it
Cuz now
You have the urge to do it everyday
Trying to hide the scars on your arms
Theres too many
So you cut in a different place
Marks all over your body
When you look in the mirror
You get disguisted and turn away
You cry and cut again
But this time you cut
So you wont live again
You succeeded
Now boom your dead
Your cause...
bleeding to death
You think now that your dead
Theres no more pain and no more stress
You can finally be free and yourself again
Those suicide thoughts
shouldn't be implanted in your head!
What people say to you hurts
But cutting shouldnt be
the only option for you!
Jan 2014 · 1.2k
No One
Lane Care Jan 2014
No one can see
The pain in my eyes
No one can see
When I cry
No one can see
That i'm dying inside
Thise comments you make
Hurt like hell
Those comments you made
Left marks on my skin
Those comments you made
Are now said and dond
You can't take back what's been heard
So why make those comments?
Those comments
Should be left in your head
Save a person
from having suicidal thoughts
Save a person
from the words that have be spoken
Cause at the end of the day
No one can see
The pain on my eyes
And no one can see
When i cry
They **** sure
can't see that i am dying inside!
Nov 2013 · 1.1k
Love (spanish version)
Lane Care Nov 2013
El amor es sólo una palabra de cuatro letras , que la gente utiliza para mostrar cómo se sienten ¿Cómo se puede sentir algo, cuando no sabes el amor es real, qué es el amor , no sabemos el amor es sólo que la palabra que se puede
Nov 2013 · 2.3k
Her heart he broke
Lane Care Nov 2013
Her heart he broke
Was so tender and fragile
Her heart he broke
Was so full of lies and deception
Her heart he broke
Had her smile so fake and displeasant
She gave it to him
And he broke it in two
Their trust and bond
Is now worth nothing
She gave him love
And now she is heart broken
Cause the heart he broke
Will soon be stronger than ever
While his heart
Is all out of pleasure
Cause breaking her heart
Is where her found comfort
Her heart he broke
Was so tender and fragile
Her heart is now empty
Of lies and deception
Nov 2013 · 1.0k
Lane Care Nov 2013
Can we go back, back in time, where you said your name and i said mine?
I remember your beauty, it was like a pain in my eyes!
I never seen someone as vivid as a day in the sky!
Your beauty reminds me of a cool moonlight sky, it gives me a smile whenever i close my
When i open my eyes, i hope reality kicks where we could stand hand by hand
where our lips can meet,with a forced on kiss.
Oh, How romantic is this?
How bout you and me go, K.I.S.S in a tree, after our eyes will meet,
let sparks speak saying,we was meant to be!
No other words,
except the ones between you and me,
let's make the best of today before i get to say,
Nov 2013 · 1.2k
Lane Care Nov 2013
Love is just some four letter word,
That people use to show how they feel
How can you feel something,
when you don't know love is real?
What is love?
We don't know
Love is just that word that you can't explain
If you look in the dictionary,
It will ask you, "are you insane?"
Love is a meaningless word!
It only stain a young girl world,
To listen to a boy say a silly four letter word
It looks like a little
But it mean so much
What is love?
I guess the world will never know
It is not a toy
Listen to how you say it
Was it really ment to be heard?
Love is just some four letter word,
That people use to show how they feel
But how can you feel something,
When you don't know love is real?
Nov 2013 · 2.0k
My Reflection
Lane Care Nov 2013
When I look in the mirror,
I dont see what you see.
To me it feels like the whole world is targeting me!
Despite all the pain and hardships I seen,
It has changed what I have inside of me.
I envy all the bad things,
My reflection is starting to scare me
Why won't it stop?
The voices inside just won't leave!
I regret looking in the mirror,
That's bouncing back at me.
The voices are telling me wrong
Hiding the rightness behind those hidden walls
When I look in the mirror,
The same thing happens to me
I reach back to the past,
Where I shouldn't be
It hurts,
Cuz' I don't want to relive my sad memories
I try to be strong for others
But I'm dying on the inside
When I look in the mirror,
I don't see what you see
To me it feels like the whole world is targeting me
Despite all the pain and hardships I seen
It WILL NOT change what I have inside of me!

— The End —